200 emergency services are looking for a missing girl (2) in Germany

The girl had left her parents’ house the day before in sub-zero temperatures, probably in an unobserved moment between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m., the police said.

The search in the town at the foot of the Swabian Alb by around 180 emergency services from the fire department, technical relief agency, rescue service and German Red Cross has so far been unsuccessful. Divers, sniffer dogs and a drone were also used. Until Monday night, divers, boats and drones with thermal imaging cameras were in use in sub-zero temperatures.

The child was probably only wearing pajamas at the time of his disappearance. The two-year-old is about 60 centimeters tall and has short, blonde hair and blue eyes. Up to 80 police officers are expected to comb the entire area around the parents’ house. Police helicopters and mantrailer dogs are involved in the extensive search operation.


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