20-year-old dies on the road after being hit by a piece of a car that came loose


20-year-old dies on the road after being hit by a piece of a car that came loose

The peculiar traffic accident was reported in the state of Georgia, in the United States.

A man has his hand on the door handle of his vehicle. After activating his vehicle in the SAT, he can use it again.

The young woman was going to drop one of her brothers off at school. Photograph: Prensa Libre.

Last Wednesday, Autumn McClure, a 20-year-old woman, died on the road while traveling with her boyfriend and her little brother. A vehicle in front of them suffered an accident, a piece of the vehicle broke off and hit the side of the car McClure was riding in.

The accident occurred on a highway in Georgia when the young woman, along with her boyfriend, were taking her little brother to school. Paramedics’ reports indicate that death was almost instantaneous.

The piece of the car that broke off hit the passenger side where the young woman was sitting, directly hitting her face and part of her chest.

The victim’s relatives said they were shocked by the unusual nature of the accident that took the young woman from her life. She died before medical attention was available. “My family and I are completely in shock. It still doesn’t seem real,” one of the victim’s sisters posted on her social media.

Police authorities told local media that an investigation is ongoing. But they preferred not to provide further details so as not to hinder the case.

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