20 exercises to strengthen your abs at home

2023-11-12 00:13:35

According to Tatiana Firpo, a sports coach, a successful abs workout should preferably use all the abdominal muscles at the same time. The latter are made up of four muscles, namely:

  1. the transverse which allows the upper body to be maintained;
  2. the internal oblique or small oblique;
  3. the external oblique or major oblique (the two obliques facilitate inclinations and twists of the trunk);
  4. the rectus abdominis which allows the famous chocolate bar and which has an important role in the flexion of the trunk.

The expert explains that during an abdominal exercise, it is important to draw the navel towards the spine to work the abdominal muscles more. A second important point when doing an ab exercise on the back is to press your lower back once morest the ground in order to solicit the abdominals and not the spine.

The 20 best exercises to work your abs at home

  • Time: 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Equipment: elastic strength band and yoga mat. Both are optional.
  • Instructions :
  1. Choose 3 exercises from the list below;
  2. Each exercise should be performed for 30 to 60 seconds. Proceed immediately to the next exercise;
  3. After finishing the 3 exercises, rest for 15 to 30 seconds;
  4. Repeat this series of exercises. You can do 3 to 5 sets.
  1. Le Mountain Climber

  1. Get into a plank position;
  2. Bring your right knee toward your chest;
  3. Then return to plank position;
  4. Repeat the movement with the left knee;
  5. Continue alternating.

This exercise is good for the rectus abdominis. It will work your abdominal muscles. This exercise is practical for improving your physical condition!

  1. The board

  1. First sit on your heels;
  2. Straighten your arms and place your hands on the floor, so that the wrists are below the shoulders;
  3. Also extend your legs. Your body should form a straight line, from shoulders to heels;
  4. Stay balanced on your tiptoes, and contract your abs to engage them;
  5. Look slightly ahead of you and hold this position for a few seconds.

This core exercise is very good for the transverse muscles.

The plank is the most important ab exercise because it works more muscles than most exercises. Don’t hesitate to integrate it into your routine!

  1. Dynamic board

  1. First get into a high plank position. Keep your wrists below your shoulders and your body aligned;
  2. Contract your abs and rock on your toes back and forth, keeping your body aligned.
  3. Return to your starting position. This is counted as one repetition.

This exercise is good for the obliques, rectus abdominis and transverse muscles.

  1. Abdominals Alternate heel touch

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor. Your hands should be placed on your hips;
  2. Lift your chest toward the ceiling, shoulders off the floor, while leaving your neck relaxed;
  3. Next, touch the outside of your right ankle with your right hand, flexing the right oblique muscles;
  4. Return to the middle and then touch the outside of the left ankle with your left hand.

This exercise is good for the obliques. When done alternately, you make them work in a targeted manner.

  1. The side plank

  1. Start by lying on your side. The right forearm should be flat on the ground, and the elbow below the shoulder. Both legs should be straight and your body should form a straight line;
  2. Engage your core and lift your hips;
  3. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then repeat the exercise on the other side.

This exercise is good for the obliques, transverse and rectus abdominis muscles. It also helps you maintain your balance by working your chest, hips and shoulders on each side.

  1. Le dead bug

  1. Lie on your back and extend your arms vertically toward the ceiling. Keep your legs bent at 90°. The knees should be above the hips;
  2. Keep your lower back glued to the ground;
  3. Slowly straighten the right leg until the heel touches the ground, then simultaneously extend the left arm backwards, until the hand almost touches the ground;
  4. Take a break then return to your starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side this time and continue alternating.

This exercise is good for the obliques, transverse and rectus abdominis muscles. It is also good for improving posture and relieving lower back pain, without causing cervical tension.

  1. Le Shoulder Tap

  1. First get into a plank position. Place hands directly under shoulders;
  2. Engage your torso and tap the right shoulder with your left hand, spreading your legs slightly then return to your starting position;
  3. Repeat the exercise, this time tapping the left shoulder with the right hand.

The Shoulder Tap is a core exercise that uses the rectus abdominis and obliques. It allows you to work your core, but also your heart rate if you’re looking for a good dose of cardio!

  1. The small bridge or the Glute Bridge

The small bridge or the glute bridge. Source: spm

  1. Lie on your back and spread your feet slightly;
  2. Bend your legs and bring your feet closer to your buttocks. Your calves should be perpendicular to the floor and your feet flat on the floor;
  3. Straighten your arms and rest them on the mat;
  4. Raise your hips in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees;
  5. Contract your abs and lift your right knee above your hip. Maintain a right angle with the leg;
  6. Stay in this position for a few seconds then lower your right foot;
  7. Repeat the exercise with the left leg;
  8. Continue to alternate between the right and left leg.

Called a small bridge, the glute bridge is an exercise that strengthens the entire torso. It works the transverse and the right abdominals. This exercise also strengthens the glutes and the back of the legs.

  1. Le V-Up

  1. Lie on your back, arms at your sides;
  2. In a single movement, lift your upper body, arms and legs, forming a V with your body;
  3. Then go back down.

The V-Up is an exercise that works the whole body. He is good for the big right. When you lift both your arms and legs, the effort you put in gets your heart rate working.

  1. The reverse crunch

  1. Lie on your back and lift your legs so that the thighs are perpendicular to the floor;
  2. Place your lower back on the mat and bring your knees toward your chest to lift your hips off the floor, leaving your legs perpendicular and straight;
  3. Return to the starting point.

This exercise works the entire abdominal area. It strengthens the rectus abdominis and the obliques, without straining the back and neck and targets in particular the lower part of the abdominals.

  1. Bear walking or “bear crawls”

Bear crawls are similar to the four-legged walk that a child does naturally. The only difference is that the knees are not on the ground. It is a four legged on hands and feet only. For that :

  1. Raise your hips so you can be positioned on your hands and feet;
  2. Your back should be parallel to the ground and your neck aligned with your back;
  3. Walk forward on all fours on your hands and feet without your knees being in contact with the ground and take a total of 4 steps while contracting your abdominals;
  4. Then reverse the movement by taking 4 steps backwards.

This exercise is good for the straight and transverse abdominals. It also has the advantage of working all the main muscle groups. Speed ​​up your steps if you want to work on your cardio.

  1. The bird dog with a rubber band

  1. Get on all fours with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Place a rubber band around your left knee and right foot;
  2. Keep your torso still and contract your abs without arching your back;
  3. Simultaneously straighten your right arm and left leg;
  4. Bring your right elbow and left knee under your chest;
  5. Return to the initial position then repeat the exercise, changing sides.

The bird dog exercise, which can be translated as the bird dog exercise, is good for the rectus abdominis and transverse muscles. Thanks to the elastic, you will work your glutes too.

  1. Alternating scissors

  1. Lie on your back with your arms extended alongside your body. Place the palms of your hands on the mat. The legs should be straight;
  2. Press your lower back once morest the mat. If you cannot maintain your position, you can put your hands under your buttocks;
  3. Tuck your pelvis as you lift your legs to form regarding a 45-degree angle with the floor;
  4. Now that your legs are off the ground, raise your right leg a little more to 60 degrees, without moving your left leg;
  5. Then lower the right leg and raise the left leg, for a kicking movement;
  6. Continue alternating legs up and down, without bending your knees.

This strength training exercise is good for the transverse, obliques, hip flexors and straight abdomen. This exercise is effective for working all the abdominal muscles at the same time.

  1. Rotation you bust

  1. Sit on the floor and tilt your torso backwards until your abs are engaged;
  2. Bend your legs 90° and place your heels on the mat;
  3. Clasp your hands and spread your elbows apart. So here is your starting position. To make the exercise more difficult, you can lift your feet off the mat;
  4. Next, rotate your torso to the right, so that your right elbow is just above the mat;
  5. Keep your lower body still, and rotate your torso to the left, until your left elbow is above the mat. Your gaze should follow your hands during the movement;
  6. Return to the starting point.

This exercise is very good for the obliques. To increase the intensity of the exercise, you can lift your feet off the ground or work while holding a weight in your hands.

  1. Bear plank with leg extension

  1. As with the classic plank, get on all fours. Your hands should be placed on the floor, in line with your shoulders. Your back should remain straight;
  2. Check that your knees are bent at 90° and your hips at 90°;
  3. Contract your abs, quads and glutes to keep your spine straight. This will help you stabilize your body;
  4. While maintaining this position, raise your knees off the floor an inch or two. You will feel tension in your upper body. Hold this position.
  5. To make the exercise harder, lift your right foot off the ground and straighten your leg behind you;
  6. Return to your position and then straighten your left leg. Continue to alternate between the 2 legs.

The bear plank is ideal for working the straight abdominals, transverse and obliques. This exercise allows you to work the abdominal muscles more intensely, while relieving the lower back.

  1. The sideways bear walk

  1. Get on all fours in bear plank position. Your hands placed below the shoulders, and your knees under the hips, raised a few centimeters from the ground. Your toes stay on the ground;
  2. Move hands and feet taking 3 steps to the side;
  3. Repeat the exercise on the other side and continue alternating.

This exercise is good for the transverse, rectus abdominis and obliques.

  1. Le hollow hold

Also called the hollow body hold, this core exercise is effective for strengthening the abdominal muscles. This movement is also called the banana exercise. It is good for the rectus abdominis, obliques and transverse muscles.

  1. Lie on your back, arms at your sides;
  2. Contract your abs to keep your lower back glued to the ground;
  3. Raise your straight legs and arms, simultaneously, a few centimeters, to lift them off the ground. Your shoulders and head should also be slightly off the ground;
  4. To maintain this position, keep your abs contracted. Stay in this position for 30 seconds or more, depending on your ability.

Be careful not to arch your lower back. It should stay stuck to the ground. To do this, tilt it forward. Don’t raise your feet too high. Your body should form a banana, not the letter V.

  1. Le Dead bug

  1. First lie with your back on the floor, arms outstretched and hands resting on the floor. Your legs should be straight too;
  2. Bring your left knee and right hand to hip level. Actively push your hand onto your knee, until the abs are fully engaged.
  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then switch sides.

This movement intended for beginners works the obliques and the rectus abdominis.

  1. Floor leg raises

  1. Lie on the mat, on your back;
  2. Place your hands under your buttocks, palms down;
  3. Raise your leg at a 90° angle from the floor;
  4. Lower your leg slowly, as low as possible, without lifting your back off the ground;
  5. Return to the starting point;
  6. Raise the other leg in the same manner, doing alternating leg raises.

This exercise allows you to fully engage your abs, without the risk of injury caused by quick and sudden movements. This movement works the transverse and rectus muscles.

  1. Plank with knees touching the ground

  1. Get into a plank position. The elbows must be under the shoulders and the body straight, from head to toe;
  2. Slowly and carefully, lower both knees until they touch the floor;
  3. Return to plank position.

This slow exercise allows you to keep your torso mobile while relieving your neck. It is good for the rectus abdominis.


How to contract your abs during exercises?

Deep abs help protect the back. That said, use your abs during fitness exercises or in everyday life when you are carrying a load.
The transversus is the deepest muscle of the abdominals. To contract it well, tuck the navel towards the spine. With each exhale, your stomach should go down. In addition to engaging the transverse, it is advisable to contract the perineum. To do this, imagine that you are holding back an urge to urinate.

Is it possible to do abdominal exercises during pregnancy?

It is possible to do abs during pregnancy but in moderation. According to Dr Cyril Huissoud, gynecologist, certain exercises can be considered at the start of pregnancy before the stomach becomes too bothersome, but you should not practice just any exercise. According to the specialist, it is the transverse muscle that must be worked.

What tips to have a flat stomach without doing abdominal exercises?

To avoid abdominal fat and have a flat stomach, here are some tips to adopt.

  • Eat more soluble fiber: these delay stomach emptying and therefore make you feel fuller between meals. And that’s not all. Soluble fiber reduces the number of calories the body can absorb from food. To do this, encourage the consumption of legumes, fruits and certain vegetables such as carrots and broccoli.
  • Add cardio to your routine: Cardio or aerobics is a good way to burn calories, reduce belly fat and improve your health. A study published by JAMA Oncol, recommends doing 150 to 300 minutes of moderate to high intensity aerobics per week. You can opt for a brisk walk, running or cycling.
  • Walk regularly: Combining diet with exercise is the best way to lose weight. Regular walking is effective in reducing body fat and that located around the abdominal region.
  • Reduce consumption of sugary drinks: Sugary drinks like fruit juices and sodas are high in calories and added sugar. Excessive consumption of these drinks can significantly increase your daily calorie intake and lead to weight gain.

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