2 natural “antidepressants” to cure depression for free | loneliness | serotonin | dopamine

Depressive disorder is a type of affective disorder characterized by depression, including commondepression(depression). There are currently more than 264 million patients worldwide. In recent years, the age of onset of depressive disorders has been earlier, and the incidence rate has been increasing.

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 21 million U.S. adults will experience at least one severedepressionseizures, accounting for 8.4% of all U.S. adults.

In 2020, 21 million U.S. adults experienced at least one episode of major depression. (pixabay)

Two ways to eliminateloneliness improve depression

A case is documented in Johann Hari’s book. Lisa, a nurse at a famous hospital, suffers from depression. Locked himself in an apartment and had no contact with people for seven years. She later met a doctor, Sam. Sam Everington, saved her with a special prescription.

Dr. Everington had Lisa come to the clinic twice a week and, along with other depression sufferers, turned an overgrown corner into a garden.

When Lisa walked into the group of patients for the first time, she was so nervous that she vomited. But when she came outside, the sun was shining on her body and her hands were in the soil, she and her patients began to feel the nature with their hearts.

They follow the rhythm and regularity of nature and build the garden. In the process of gardening together, the patients also naturally communicated and interacted.

As the flowers opened in that garden, so did the lives of Lisa and her fellow patients. (pixabay)

Lisa began to tell her story to her fellow patients. As friendships and associations slowly deepened, the group became dependent and caring for each other. If anyone didn’t come to the event, others would call to ask, wondering why he didn’t come? Is there anything I need help with.

As the flowers opened in that garden, so did the lives of Lisa and her fellow patients. Two things that Lisa had completely lost connection with—human and nature—returned into her life.After a few years, Lisa stopped takingantidepressantsand managed to lose 62 pounds.

1. Connect with others

Frequent contact with family and friends. Can improve depression. (pixabay)

The more connected and frequent interactions with friends and family, the lower the risk of depression. Without close friends and family, the odds of developing depression are multiplied.

2. Get close to nature

In addition to spending more time with people close to you, spending more time with nature can also reduce loneliness, relieve and treat depression.

Spending more time with nature can also reduce loneliness and relieve and treat depression. (pixabay)

People are spending less time outdoors and more time at home. Tends to use electronic products such as mobile phones, computers, TVs, etc. to pass the time and relieve boredom. However, this approach tends to exacerbate depression.

The study found that people who used electronic products for more than 4 hours had a higher risk of depression, and those with severe depression also tended to use computers for longer periods of time for leisure.

People who spend less time outdoors may be 3 to 6 times more depressed and anxious than people who spend more time outdoors.

Children living in cities have fewer opportunities to interact with nature. In addition, the virtual world created by video games attracts children’s attention, which further weakens their interest in going out into nature.

A number of studies have shown that living in a community with a better environment and more green space reduces people’s psychological stress and is less likely to suffer from depression.

Get out of the house and into nature, and the blues are quickly reversed.

There are 4 kinds of “happy substances” in the human body to fight stress and relieve depression

Modern science believes that the human brain secretes a variety of substances that can make people feel happy, safe and fulfilled. These substances are collectively referred to as “happiness substances”.

There are at least four “pleasure substances” in the human body, includingSerumdopamineEndophenol, Oxytocin.

1.Serum: Make people happy, relieve stress

The morning sun comes into view. At this time, the turbid sleepiness dissipates, and there will be a clearness and happiness in my heart. (pixabay)

Serotonin is a chemical produced naturally by the body and is widely regarded as a contributor to feelings of well-being and joy.

When the curtains are opened in the morning, the morning sun shines into the eyes. At this time, the turbid sleepiness dissipates, and there will be a clear and happy heart in the heart. This is the response of serotonin secretion.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. About 2% of serotonin is found in the brain and more than 90% in the gastrointestinal tract. Although serotonin in the brain is small, it plays a major role. It plays a key role in regulating emotions, making people feel happy, joyful, and joyful.

When the serotonin in the brain of ordinary people is low, they are also prone to depression, irritability, and anxiety.

Serotonin plays an important role in fighting stress. Serotonin can also improve sleep and energy.

A study by the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that serotonin can suppress appetite and increase satiety, thereby improving obesity.

2.dopamine: Exciting, motivated

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which is related to human lust and feeling. It transmits excitement and happiness.

I felt hungry when I was traveling. After walking for a few miles, I finally saw steaming steamed buns at a food stall. That moment of excitement and satisfaction is the feeling that the dopamine secreted in the brain instantly gives you.

Dopamine is produced in the brain when something is successful and the effort is rewarded. (pixabay)

The brain produces dopamine when trying to do something successfully and when it pays off. People with higher levels of dopamine, or those whose brains are sensitive to dopamine, tend to be more enthusiastic.

Dopamine is also produced when desires are satisfied, such as enjoying food or playing games. However, this is the dark side of dopamine, which can lead to addiction.

Dopamine is synthesized in the human body from tyrosine. Almonds, avocados, bananas, low-fat dairy, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds help your brain produce more dopamine.

3. Endophenols: relaxation, pain relief

Endophenol is a chemical that is secreted by the central nervous system of the brain when it is stimulated. It has a calming effect, relieves pain and makes people feel good.

When you experience stress and pain, your body produces endorphins. Then, the pressure will be reduced, the pain will be relieved, and the person will feel less pain.

It has a similar pain relief method to the opioid morphine and is known as a “natural pain reliever”. But unlike opium, the endorphins produced by the body itself do not cause addiction.

When the human body is deficient in endorphins, it will feel like sitting on pins and needles, and it will be more sensitive to pain.

4. Oxytocin: Increase intimacy, security

Oxytocin is a peptide hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland.

When women give birth, they secrete a hormone that promotes uterine contractions and helps in childbirth, which is oxytocin.

But oxytocin is much more than that, it is also a “love hormone”.

Oxytocin is produced when you are in love; it may also be produced when you are in a positive relationship with others.

Oxytocin may also lead to stronger bonds between friends, partners, and family members.

There are methods that can instantly boost happiness substances in large quantities. The most common is the use of the drug cocaine, which can rapidly increase dopamine in the body and excite the brain. But when the effect wears off, people become more depressed, depressed, and even ruin their physical and mental health.

Medication can also treat emotional problems by mediating these substances, but it is not a permanent, permanent solution.

(Editor in charge: Jia Xin)

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2022/09/16/a103530192.html



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