2 Killed and Dozens of Houses Damaged Due to Flash Floods from the Collapse of Factory-Made Reservoirs – 2024-03-23 23:28:53

Wangandowo Village was hit by flash floods due to the collapse of the reservoir made by PT Hardases Abadi Indonesia. Two residents died and dozens of houses were damaged. (MI/Ahkmad Safuan)

POLICE installed a police line at an artificial reservoir belonging to PT Hardases Abadi Indonesia (HAI) which broke and caused flash floods in Wangandowo Village, Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency. The flash flood killed two residents and damaged dozens of houses.

Police are currently still investigating the breach in the reservoir embankment.

“We have installed a police line at the dam that broke,” said Pekalongan Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Wahyu Rohadi Wednesday (20/3).

The installation of police tape, said Wahyu, was aimed at preventing local residents from crossing the artificial reservoir site, because apart from being still under investigation, it also endangered residents’ safety.

“Currently we are still focused on handling villages and flash flood victims,” ​​he added.

PT HAI Pekalongan’s artificial reservoir, built lengthwise behind the factory complex building, 700 meters from residential areas, is considered quite risky during the rainy season and the volume increases. This is because the embankment has not been concreted.

Also read: 2 areas in Pantura Central Java hit by flash floods and landslides

Pekalongan Regency Regional Secretary M Yulian Akbar said that as a result of the embankment breaking, the loss of damage to road infrastructure and residents’ houses reached IDR 1,288 billion.

Based on the results of the assessment from the joint volunteer team, continued Yulian, there were six houses that were heavily damaged, 20 houses were moderately damaged, and 84 houses were slightly damaged, in addition to damage to the environment and other infrastructure.

“All losses will be borne by the company for recovery,” he added.

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Yulian said that not only was the damage caused by the flood, the company would also cover the logistics, food and charity needs for hundreds of residents housed at the Wangandowo Village Hall. (Z-3)

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