“2 in 1” antigen tests now possible

Pharmacies and doctors’ offices have been keen, for several weeks, on “2 in 1” antigenic tests to detect both Covid-19 and the flu. The AZZ laboratory is one of the pioneers of this offer. He proposes “a double test for adults with a classic swab on the market since March 2022, so far little used, reports Fabien Larue, director of the AAZ laboratory. And for the past few weeks, we have been offering the version of the test for children”.

Concretely, on this double test to be done in a pharmacy or at the doctor’s, at the helm ” Covid-19 is added on the left a bar “FLU A/B”, allowing to know if the patient is suffering from influenza A or B. A double test with success since Fabien Larue ensures to sell 200,000 per week. Boiron laboratories, they announced in a press release Wednesday, January 4 to put themselves in the loop via their 22,000 partner pharmacies.

A double test that has “more relevance”

“Until now in France, before the Covid, we did not yet have the reflex to make flu diagnoses, reports Yannick Simonin, virologist at the University of Montpellier. Now people have gotten into the habit of getting tested. This allows for better information. “We can explain to patients with more certainty what they have, reassure them, for his part, notes Doctor Théo Combes, from the MG France union. Before, it was rather vague, they were told that they had the flu or flu-like syndromes… Today, we can say so. »

Fight once morest the overconsumption of antibiotics

For health professionals, these tests make it possible to fight once morest the massive use of antibiotics by patients since Covid-19, the flu – and bronchiolitis – are viral infections and cannot be treated by consuming antibiotics. “In this period of stock shortage, in particular of amoxicillin, it must be given only to those who do not have a viral infection”, insists Fabien Larue. “Having a test that can confirm that it is viral and not bacterial makes it easier to negotiate with patients, who often request antibiotics”, adds Doctor Théo Combes.

“The test costs doctors a little more but that’s not important, what matters is the satisfaction that the test provides: its accuracy”, he continues. In pharmacies, the double test can cost up to €5 since health insurance only pays for the Covid-19 part of the double test for vaccinated patients.

After the possible reimbursement, towards a 3 in 1 test?

The Haute Autorité de santé is considering the possibility of fully reimbursing these “2 in 1” tests. “Two bodies, the National Professional Pediatrics Council and the National Pharmacy Council, have written to the Ministry of Health for support, emphasizes Fabien Larue. The High Authority for Health will look into its reliability. » It will decide in January.

For its part, the AAZ laboratory wishes to market a “3 in 1” test, detecting influenza, Covid-19 and RSV, the virus causing bronchiolitis, and is awaiting approval from the High Authority for Health. .



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