19th district: Erection of a cycling facility in the section of Krottenbachstraße | PID press

2023-08-25 16:00:10

Vienna (OTS) On Monday, August 28, 2023, the City of Vienna – Road Administration and Road Construction will begin the construction of a structurally separate two-way cycle path on Krottenbachstrasse in the section between Börnergasse and Felix-Dahn-Strasse.


On Krottenbachstraße in the section between Börnergasse and Felix-Dahn-Straße, a new two-way cycle path, around 53 meters long and around 2.60 meters wide, is being built in the area of ​​the parking strip on the even-numbered side. The new cycle path joins the existing cycle route that leads to Neustift im Walde and the vineyards. In addition, additional bicycle parking facilities will be built in the side streets of Krottenbachstrasse. In the future, another protection path at Siolygasse will ensure greater safety when crossing Krottenbachstrasse. Furthermore, to increase traffic safety, pavements are being built on the streets that lead into Krottenbachstraße (Gustav-Pick-Gasse, Raimund-Zoder-Gasse and Silvaraweg) and lane elevations are being built to calm traffic. The “Gustav-Pick-Gasse” bus stop for route 35A will in future be located in front of Gustav-Pick-Gasse in the direction of Währing.

traffic measures

Basically, the construction work on Krottenbachstraße takes place during the day while maintaining one lane in each direction. Temporarily, only one lane will be available on Krottenbachstrasse in each direction. During these measures, traffic is channeled alternately through the respective work area by means of traffic lights or warning posts. During this construction phase, Gustav-Pick-Gasse will run from Krottenbachstraße to and in the direction of Labanweg as a provisional one-way street. During the construction of the roadway elevations, the Börnergasse, Raimund-Zoder-Gasse and Silvaraweg, which lead into Krottenbachstraße, will be designed as dead ends for a period of two weeks, with traffic being diverted locally. Pedestrian traffic will be maintained.

  • Location of the construction site: 19th, Krottenbachstraße between Börnergasse and Felix-Dahn-Straße
  • Start of construction: August 28, 2023
  • Planned end of construction: December 15, 2023

For more information, visit wien.gv.at/verkehr/strassen and wien.gv.at/verkehr/baustellen or on +43 1 955 59 – road and traffic information line.

Questions & contact:

Silvia Aigner
City of Vienna – Road Administration and Road Construction
public relation
Phone: +43 1 4000-49812
Mobil: +43 676 8118 49812
Email: silvia.aigner@wien.gv.at

Erwin Forster
City of Vienna – Road Administration and Road Construction
public relation
Phone: +43 1 4000-49811
Mobil: +43 676 8118 49811
E-Mail: erwin.forster@wien.gv.at

#19th #district #Erection #cycling #facility #section #Krottenbachstraße #PID #press

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