191 school classes in the BallHelden competition | BLLV: For teachers in Bavaria

In the last school year, a particularly large number of schools throughout Bavaria showed how nice and easy it is to combine the joy of football with social commitment. The popular BallHelden magazine BALLINO was also published to accompany the campaign: with fun puzzles, a great poster, lots of interesting facts about football and the BallHelden aid projects. The magazine also included the traditional BallHelden competition.

A training day with TSV 1860 Munich – and ten special prizes

If a class or team wanted to experience how the professionals train, they had the chance to win a training day with TSV 1860 Munich and the coaches of the Löwen football school on the famous sports grounds on Grünwalder Strasse. A total of 191 classes took part in the competition – around three times as many as in the previous year. A huge success for the campaign and a great joy for all project partners. The main prize was made possible by the insurance group die Bayerische, which is not only a sponsor of the BallHelden, but as the main partner of the Munich Löwen was also able to organize this unique experience for the winners.

In addition to the announced main prize, the main sponsor, Die Bayerische, has decided this year to offer ten special prizes because of the large number of participating classes, so that as many classes as possible can benefit from the project and look forward to prizes: 10 classes will receive a package with balls, football jerseys and other equipment for lots of fun playing football.

The draw for the team football fun and social commitment

The winning class was drawn by BLLV President Simone Fleischmann, the Marketing Director of the Bayerische Insurance Company, Joachim Zech, the Managing Director of the BFV Social Foundation, Daniela Rasel, and the Office Manager of the BFV Social Foundation, Michael Zinsmeister.

As soon as the winners are informed and have given their consent, we will publish them here. We would like to congratulate the students on their great win.

We wish everyone a lot of fun training like the pros and all other BallHelden a good start to the school year.



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