18 more people selected for Chinese space station

18 more people selected for Chinese space station

The Chinese Space Agency has announced 18 more names for the crew of its space station “Tiangong 3”.

Including 17 men and one woman. Earlier, 21 people were selected for the same space station. In this way, the number of people sent to the Chinese space station has reached 39.

Seven of them will become space pilots, seven will be trained as flight engineers, and the remaining four will serve as “mission payload specialists.” The training of new staff will also be started soon which will continue for regarding a year.

It should be noted that China started work on the Tiangog 3 (Heavenly Palace) space station in 2016. Earlier two experimental modules (Tiangong 1 and Tiangong 2) were launched into space.
Tiangong-3 is regarding the same size as the former Russian space station Mir, but is being built in a modular fashion. This means that all its parts will be manufactured on Earth and then assembled in space.

China News Agency says the first flight carrying Tiangong 3 will take off sometime in 2021 and construction will begin, with completion expected in 2022.

When completed, the space station is estimated to weigh 80 to 100 tons and will likely be launched (in fragments) into low Earth orbit by four to five flights of a Long March 5B rocket. I will be delivered. That is, it will orbit the earth at an altitude of 340 to 450 km.

After completion in 2022, the space station will remain operational for the next 15 years.

#people #selected #Chinese #space #station
2024-07-21 17:05:54



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