16 teenagers arrested in post-election protests released

  • At 4:30 pm the preliminary hearing of the detained minors was held | Photo: Courtesy of the TSJ

Alfredo Romero, director of the Penal Forum, reported on Thursday, August 29, on the release of 16 teenagers arrested in the post-election protests.

The teenagers released from the Palace of Justice at 5:50 pm are 12 men and 4 women, according to Romero’s post on X (formerly Twitter).

According to Romero, a preliminary hearing was being held in these cases at 4:30 p.m. Authorities did not allow access to the private defense.

They denounced the transfer of detained adolescents to the Tocuyito prison

Several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) denounced on Tuesday, August 27, the transfer of teenagers and university students detained during the post-election protests to the Tocuyito Penitentiary Center, Carabobo State.

Luis Serrano, coordinator of the NGO Redes Ayuda, stated on X (formerly Twitter) that relatives of political prisoners are denied access to their families to provide them with food and water. The Venezuelan Program for Education and Action in Human Rights (Provea) also denounced this situation.

According to Serrano, the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) will take control of this prison and is compiling a list of the detainees.

This measure is in response to the order given by Nicolás Maduro on August 1st. to condition the Tocuyito and Tocorón prisons to detain more than 2,000 prisoners for post-election protests in Venezuela.

EFE/ Rayner Peña R

Increase in arrests

As of August 29, the Penal Forum has registered a total of 1,780 political prisoners. Of this number, 1,581 of the arrests occurred in the context of post-election protests which began on July 29.

Of those arrested, at least 114 were teenagers, while 1,666 were adults. In terms of gender, the NGO said 1,550 were men and 230 were women.

Cecodap: Police forces are not following the appropriate parameters in the arrests of adolescents

Regarding the detainees’ occupation, the NGO said that 1,625 are civilians, while 156 are military personnel.

The Penal Forum indicated that, of the total number of political prisoners, 1,631 have not been sentenced and 149 already have precautionary measures.

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#teenagers #arrested #postelection #protests #released
2024-08-30 01:04:22



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