16.3% of young people aged 15 to 24 are employed – mafrique

More than 16% of young people aged 15 to 24 (962,000 people) in Morocco are employed, according to the High Commission for Planning (HCP).

“Among the 5.9 million young people aged 15 to 24, 16.3% are employed (962,000), 7.6% are looking for work (448,000), while 76.1% are outside the labor market (4,478,000)”specifies the HCP in an information note, published on the occasion of the International Day of Youth (August 12).

Three quarters of young people outside the labor market (75.5%) are pupils or students and 21.1% are housewives, indicates the same source, adding that young people are characterized by a low participation in the labor market. working life with an activity rate of 23.9% compared to the population as a whole where this rate reaches 45.3%.

This youth activity rate stands at 28.9% in the countryside once morest 20.6% in the cities. It is three times higher among young men (35.4%) than among young women (12.1%). Over the past five years, the decline in the activity rate has been more pronounced among young people. Their rate fell by 4.3 points, compared to 1.4 points for the entire population of working age (15 years and over).

Young employed workers remain more present in “agriculture, forestry and fishing” with a share of 43.6%, “services” (32.8%) and “industry” (12.9%).

Salaried employment is the most dominant status among young employed workers with a share of 48.6%. This status remains more frequent among young working city-dweller women, with a share of 86% once morest 65.2% among their male counterparts.

The self-employed, meanwhile, represent 9.6% of young working people, 11% among men and 4.1% among women. Caregivers account for 37.3% of youth employment, with a peak of 82.6% among young rural women.

In addition, the HCP reveals that more than 4 out of 10 young working people (41.9%) are in unpaid employment, rural people with 58.8% more than city dwellers (16.9%) and women with 49, 9% more than men (39.7%).

Also, 14% of young employed workers have a casual or seasonal job, 16.7% among men and 5% among women.

Slightly more than 7 out of 10 young employees (73.2%) have no contract formalizing their relationship with the employer, 13.2% have a fixed-term contract, 6.5% a indefinite term and 7.1% of a verbal agreement. The proportion of young employees with no contract amounts to 79.3% among men once morest 48.3% among women. (With MAP)



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