15min book selections of the year: readers chose their favorites | Culture

15min book selections of the year: readers chose their favorites | Culture

Now the panel of experts will vote on the 5 books that received the most readers’ votes in each category (six books in the category of Lithuanian non-fiction books, as the fifth and sixth place books received the same number of votes each).

This year, the commissions consisted of Audrius Ožalas, Jūratė Čerškutė, Marius Burokas, Jurga Mandrijauskaitė, Lina Buividavičiūtė, Mažvydas Karalius, Neringa Butnoriūtė, Ramunė Brundzaitė.

More information about 15min year’s book selections can be found here.

Top five chosen by readers


1. Benas Lastauskas “For those who don’t read” 54 percent.

Publisher: “Laisvės TV”

15 min photo/Benas Lastauskas “For those who don’t read”

2. Dalia Staponkutė, “Vivat Regina!” 8 proc.

Publisher: Apostrophe

15min book selections of the year: readers chose their favorites | Culture

15 min photo/Dalia Staponkutė, “Vivat Regina!”

3. Kotryna Zylė “Mylimi kaulai” 7 percent.

Publisher: “Goldfish”

15 min photo/Kotryna Zylė

15 min photo/Kotryna Zylė “My beloved bones”

4. Sara Poisson “The taste of this life” 6 percent.

Publisher: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House

15 min photo/Sara Poisson

15 min photo/Sara Poisson “The taste of this life”

5. Mantas Adomėnas “Coin & Labyrinth” (Parts I and II)

Publisher: “Balto Lankos”

15 min photo/Mantas Adomėnas

15 min photo/Mantas Adomėnas “Coin & Labyrinth” (Parts I and II)


1. Deimantė Rudžinskaitė “Pasaulietė” 18 percent.

Publisher: “Balto Lankos”

15min photo/Deimantė Rudžinskaitė

15min photo/Deimantė Rudžinskaitė “Pasaulietė”

2. Violeta Tapinienė “Flashes of Reclaimed Time” 14 percent.

Publisher: Tyto Alba

15 min photo/Violeta Tapinienė

15 min photo/Violeta Tapinienė “Flashes of reclaimed time”

3. Leonidas Donskis “Evil is temporary” (composed by Laimantas Jonušys) 12 percent.

Publisher: Tyto Alba

15min photo/Leonids Donskis

15min photo/Leonids Donskis “Evil is temporary”

4. Norbert Černiauskas “Fado. A short, unfinished history of Lithuania” 10 percent.

Publisher: “Goldfish”

15 min photo/Norbert Černiauskas

15 min photo/Norbert Černiauskas “Fado. A short history of Lithuania that did not happen”

5-6. Laima Baršauskienė “Death and less important things”

Publisher: BALTO publishing house

15 min photo/Laima Baršauskienė

15 min photo/Laima Baršauskienė “Death and less important things”

5-6. Member Kairys “Yura yura. 88 Temple Road’

Publisher: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House

15min photo/Narius Kairys

15min photo/Narius Kairys “Yura yura. 88 Temple Road’


1. Bartosz Polonski “Robčikas” 12 percent

Slinktys Publishing House

Translator: Evelina Bondar

15min photo/Bartosz Polonski

15min photo/Bartosz Polonski “Robčikas”

2. Georges Perec “Life is a user manual” 11 percent.

Publisher: Lapas

Translator: Akvilė Melkūnaitė

15min photo/Georges Perec

15min photo/Georges Perec “Life as a user manual”

3. Olga Tokarczuk “Empūsijas” 11 percent

Publisher: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House

Translator: Vyturys Jarutis

15min photo/Olga Tokarczuk

15min photo/Olga Tokarczuk “Empusions”

4. Ian McEwan „Pamokos“ 10 proc.

Publisher: Tyto Alba

Translator: Gabrielė Gailiūtė-Bernotienė

15min photo/Ian McEwan

15min photo/Ian McEwan “Lessons”

5. Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa „Gatopardas“ 10 proc.

Publisher: “Balto Lankos”

Translator: Lina Gaučytė

15min photo/Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

15min photo/Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa “Gatopardas”


1. “Natasha’s Dance” by Orlando Figes 16 percent.

Publisher: Science and Encyclopedia Publishing Center

Translator: Rasa Drazdauskienė

15min photo/Orlando Figes

15min photo/Orlando Figes “Natasha’s Dance”

2. Rasa Navickaitė “Marija Gimbutienė. Archaeology, the Great Goddess hypothesis, feminism” 13 percent.

Publisher: “Other Books”

Translator: Rima Bartaševičiūtė

15min photo/Rasa Navickaitė

15min photo/Rasa Navickaitė “Marija Gimbutienė. Archaeology, The Great Goddess Hypothesis, Feminism”

3. Avram Sutzkever “From Vilnius Ghetto to Nuremberg” (composed by Justin D. Cammy and Saulė Valiūnaitė) 11 percent.

Publisher: Hubris

Translators: Saulė Valiūnaitė, Lara Lempertienė, Mindaugas Kvietkauskas

15min photo/Avram Sutzkever

15min photo/Avram Sutzkever “From the Vilnius Ghetto to Nuremberg” (composed by Justin D. Cammy and Saulė Valiūnaitė)

4. Byung-Chul Han’s Fatigue Society 10%.

Publisher: “Other Books”

Translator: Tomas Sodeika

15min photo/Byung-Chul Han

15min photo/Byung-Chul Han “Society of Fatigue”

5. Aleksanda Kasuba “Ticking child” 9 percent.

Publisher: Lithuanian National Art Museum

Translator: Aida Martinaitytė

15 min. photo/Aleksanda Kasuba

15 min. photo/Aleksanda Kasuba “Tickling child”


1. Rūta Mikulėnaitė-Jonuškienė “Walks of Blue Nights” 18 percent.

Publisher: “Scrolls”

15min photo/Rūta Mikulėnaitė-Jonuškienė

15min photo/Rūta Mikulėnaitė-Jonuškienė “Blue Nights Walks”

2. Jurgita Jasponytė “The universe sits in the wrong place” 14 percent.

Publisher: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House

15 min photo/Jurgita Jasponytė

15 min photo/Jurgita Jasponytė “The universe sits in the wrong place”

3. Austėja Jakas “Blue pleasures” 9 percent.

Publisher: Basilisk

15min photo/Austėja Jakas

15min photo/Austėja Jakas “Blue pleasures”

4. Aidas Marchėnas “Die: Poems from the Ended World” 8 percent.

Publisher: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House

15 min photo/Aidas Marchėnas

15 min photo/Aidas Marchėnas “Die: Poems from the Ended World

5. Gražvilė Baleišytė “Unrelenting green” 8 percent.

Publisher: Kamonada

15 min photo/Gražvilė Baleišytė

15 min photo/Gražvilė Baleišytė “Unrelenting greenness”


1. Rainer Maria Rilke, Friedrich Hölderlin, Novalis “String and wind” 26 percent.

Publisher: “Kauko Stairs”

Translator: Aldona Elena Puišytė

15 min photo/Rainer Maria Rilke, Friedrich Hölderlin, Novalis

15 min photo/Rainer Maria Rilke, Friedrich Hölderlin, Novalis “String and Wind”

2. Inger Christensen “Tai” 15 percent.

Translator: Dovydas Grajauskas

15min photo/Inger Christensen

15min photo/Inger Christensen “This”

3. Antanas A. Jonynas, Michael Augustin “1953” 12 percent.

Publisher: Basilisk

Value: Mortimer Drach, Antanas A. Jonynas

15 min photo/Antanas A. Jonynas, Michael Augustin

15 min photo/Antanas A. Jonynas, Michael Augustin “1953”

4. Ilona Witkowska “where are my children?” 11 percent.

Publisher: Basilisk

Translator: Žilvinas Norkūnas

15min photo/Ilona Witkowska

15min photo/Ilona Witkowska “where are my children?”

5. Aleš Šteger “Burning tongues” 10 percent.

Publisher: “Scrolls”

Translator: Kristina Tamulevičiūtė

15 min photo/Aleš Šteger

15 min photo/Aleš Šteger “Burning tongues”

15 min book selection purpose – draw attention to valuable works of both Lithuanian writers and translated works, their authors and translators, encourage reading. This year, the election is being held for the eighth year in a row.

An essential criterion when evaluating the works, the lasting, artistic, cognitive value of the books, in the case of a translated book, the quality of its translation is also evaluated. Also, the books must be published for the first time in Lithuanian (or it must be a new translation of the book into Lithuanian). Books published since 2023 are evaluated. November 1 until 2024 September 1st.

The authors of Lithuanian books will be awarded 500 euro bonuses, and the same amount of bonuses will be awarded to the translators of the books of the best selected translators – thus emphasizing the importance of translators who translate foreign works into Lithuanian and often remain in the shadows.

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