15min book selection of the year: which translated poetry books are eligible for the award | Culture

15min The selection of books of the year takes place in three stages. Now until October 20, readers can vote and choose, in their opinion, the most valuable books published during the year. Then a panel of experts will vote on the 5 books with the most votes from readers in each category. So, when choosing the winner, 50% readers will decide, 50 percent experts.

The winners will be announced at an official ceremony at the Open books festival on October 26.


Aleš Šteger, “Burning Tongues”

Publisher: “Scrolls”

Translator: Kristina Tamulevičiūtė

Aleš Štegeris is one of the most famous and most translated into foreign languages ​​contemporary Slovenian poets. Prose writer, author of children’s books, editor, publisher and organizer of international literary festivals, A. Štegeris made his debut in 1995 and immediately after his poetic debut, he received recognition not only in Slovenia, but also throughout Central Europe.

15 min photo/Aleš Šteger “Burning tongues”

The publication of his poetry in Lithuania is an opportunity for Lithuanian readers to extend deeper cultural/literary acquaintance with contemporary European poets, to expand their literary horizons, and at the same time to be able to appreciate their own, national contemporary poetry more.

Ilona Witkowska, “where are my children?”

Publisher: Basilisk

Translator: Žilvinas Norkūnas

Ilona Witkowska is a Polish poet, the author of three books of poetry – “Splendida realta” (2012), “Luciferis laimi” (2017) and “where are my children?” (2021). The part of the film Erotica 2022 (Netflix, 2020) “If you sit still for a long time, other beasts will come to you” (dir. Jagoda Szelc) was created based on her script.

15min photo/Ilona Witkowska “where are my children?”

The author is a co-author of the project “Nieswojość” (Discomfort, 2019) – together with writers such as Olga Tokarczuk and Ziemowit Szczerek, she explored how the dramatic historical events of Lower Silesia shaped the Polish mentality. Lives in Sokolovsk.

Vasyl Machno, “Advice on how to write poems better”

Publisher: Basilisk

Translator: Antanas A. Jonynas

Vasylis Makhno – Ukrainian poet, prose writer, essayist, translator. Born in 1964 in Chortkiv, Ternopil region, graduated from the Ternopil Pedagogical Institute, defended his thesis there, taught literature at the Jogaila University of Ternopil and Kraków. Member of the Ukrainian and International PEN Center. Since 2000 lives in New York. V. Machno’s poems have been translated into many languages, collections of poetry have been published in Israel, USA, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Germany.

15 min photo/Vasyl Machno “Advice on how to write poems better”

Participated in many literary festivals, meetings and symposiums in India, USA, Canada, Colombia, Poland, Macedonia, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Germany. Winner of various literary awards, including the Peter and Lesia Kovaliova Foundation Prize (2009), the Povelje Morave International Prize (Serbia, 2013), the BBC Book of the Year (2015), the prestigious Ukrainian-Jewish Zustric Prize (2020) .

Jelena Glazov, “Naivety / Godulas“

Publisher: Basilisk

Translator: Gediminas Puloks

Jeļena Glazova is a poet, video, sound and multimedia artist from Riga who writes in Russian, Latvian and English. He studied at the Latvian Academy of Arts and the University of Latvia. She actively expresses herself in the interdisciplinary fields of contemporary art, combining image, poetic text, experimental sound and installations in her works and performances.

15min no./Jelena Glazov “Naivety / Honor”

15min no./Jelena Glazov “Naivety / Honor”

Organizes personal and group exhibitions, as a representative of visual arts she has participated in many festivals and projects not only in her native Latvia, but also in various European countries, South Korea, Canada. Creates an experimental drone, noise, ambient music, mainly through the use of vocals processed by various technical and digital means. He plays several instruments and spent a lot of time learning classical singing as a teenager.

Rainer Maria Rilke, Friedrich Hölderlin, Novalis, String and Wind

Publisher: “Kauko Stairs”

Translator: Aldona Elena Puišytė

15 min photo/Rainer Maria Rilke, Friedrich Hölderlin, Novalis “String and Wind”

The publishing house “Kauko Laiptai” published the book “Styga ir vējas” translated from German by the poet and translator Aldona Elena Puišytė – in it even three authors are spoken in Lithuanian – F. Hölderlinas (b. 1770), Novalis (b. 1772) and RMRilke (b. 1875). All three authors belong to the gold fund of world literature.

Hasso Krullis, “Metras ir Demetra”

Publisher: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House

Translator: Agnė Bernotaitė

Hasso Krullis – Estonian poet, translator, philosopher, folklore researcher, literary critic. He received his education in Tallinn in 1998. He defended his master’s thesis on the translation of Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory at the Estonian Humanitarian Institute. “Metra and Demeter”, which won the literary prize of the Baltic Assembly, is an anxious two-part poem, in the words of the author, an epic.

15 min photo/Hasso Krullis “Metra and Demeter”

Using creation myths, folklore, contemporary events and realities of the ancient Greeks and Estonians, Mongols and indigenous tribes of North America, Australia, Oceania and beyond, the epic encourages a fresh look at today’s world, politically turbulent and ecologically unsustainable. Since ancient times, myths have been used to explain the structure of the world and give it order. It is no coincidence that in the face of crises, we look for support and answers in millennia-old stories.

Inger Christensen, “Tai”

Publisher: Basilisk

Translator: Dovydas Grajauskas

“Tai” is the first translation of Danish poetry, a separate book is published in Lithuania. The author Inger Christensen (b. 1935–2009) is an experimenter and innovator, one of the strongest poetic voices in Scandinavia, repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature, recognized by prestigious European awards. This is considered a masterpiece by Inger Christensen.

15min photo/Inger Christensen “This”

At the time, the thirty-four-year-old poet’s book swept through Denmark like a hurricane – it earned praise from critics and became perhaps the most read book in the entire country. Translated into many foreign languages, the book earned the author international recognition and the 20th century. the name of a classic of Scandinavian literature.

Antanas A. Jonynas, Michael Augustin, “1953”

Publisher: Basilisk

Value: Mortimer Drach, Antanas A. Jonynas

15 min photo/Antanas A. Jonynas, Michael Augustin “1953”

The bilingual book “1953” is a poetic dialogue between two well-known poets – Antanas A. Jonyna (b. 1953) and Michael Augustin (b. 1953), which openly and playfully reflects on the year 1953, the year of birth of both creators, and through it – on this side and on the other side of the Iron Curtain, the context of the formation of the mature generation, essential social and personal events, geopolitical breaks.

Kerry Shawn Keys, The Dream Alphabet

Publisher: Basilisk

Translation: translated from English by Dominykas Norkūnas

Kerry Shawn Keys is an American poet. The origins of K.Sh.Keys’s work can be found in the Appalachian Mountains, India, Brazil, and Lithuania. Senior Fulbright scholar for African and Brazilian studies, member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union and PEN club. From 1998 to 2000, he taught translation theory at Vilnius University under the professional Fulbright program. in 2005 won a scholarship from the National Endowment for the Arts.

15 min photo/Kerry Shawn Keys “Dream Alphabet”

His works range from prose “wonderbooks” to pastorals, “city ruins” poetry, flamenco rhythms, children’s books, Daodedzing meditations, and a polyphonic, epic poem set in India, a country where the poet worked in agriculture for two years. Recent books: Shoelaces for Chagall, Selected Love Poems (English and German, 2021), Seasons At The Patch (2023). Keys has been appointed the World Poetry Ambassador of the Republic of Užupis.

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