1,500 trees planted in Icolo and Bengo – Jornal OPaís

1,500 trees were planted in the municipality of Icolo e Bengo, province of Luanda, during an afforestation campaign in defense of the environment, which began this Saturday.

Employees, young people from the National Youth Council, politicians, religious people and citizens came together in the same event in which American and normal acacia trees were planted.

The activity began in the urban district of Catete, specifically in Parque Deolinda Rodrigues and in the Uala neighborhood, in an event guided by the local administrator, Isabel Nicolau dos Santos.

Speaking to ANGOP, the municipal administrator of Icolo e Bengo said that the action is part of the Luanda Government’s afforestation program in the province.

The government intends to improve the quality of the environment and, consequently, the quality of life of citizens, he stressed.

In the Uala neighborhood, activists planted trees to delimit and form vegetable gardens, with the aim of providing a healthier environment and presenting a better image.

On the other hand, due to the level of vulnerability of residents of the Uala neighborhood, the administrator announced, soon, a program to support families, with the participation of local businesspeople.

“We found families here in a critical state of vulnerability, so we will establish contacts and within our social support programs we will provide our solidarity,” he said. He said that this action will be carried out in all neighborhoods of the municipality in a phased manner.

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