150 million light-years away spiral galaxy “NGC 976” taken by the Hubble Space Telescope | sorae Portal site to space

[▲ Spiral galaxy “NGC 976” (Credit: ESA / Hubble & NASA, D. Jones, A. Riess et al.)]

This is a spiral galaxy regarding 150 million light-years away in the direction of “Aries”.「NGC 976」is.Published the other day「NGC 105」As bright as many stars gatherGalactic bulgeAround the center, young and hot blue stars are scatteredSwirl armThe image of NGC 976, which is gently swirling, is captured in detail.

connection:“NGC 105”, a galaxy of “Pisces” that gently swirls, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope

NGC 976 is a supernova in September 1999「SN 1999dq」(Type Ia) has been detected. The supernova explosion, which is said to be caused by the collapse of the core of a massive star in later years and the accumulation of stellar gas on a binary white dwarf, is said to be the death of a magnificent star. At the same time, it is also a phenomenon that produces and releases substances that are the materials of celestial bodies such as stars and planets that will be born following that. The elements that shape our bodies, such as carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, are also produced by the fusion reaction inside the stars that once existed in this universe.

The image at the beginning is“Hubble”Created from visible and infrared observations from the Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), this week’s Hubble Space Telescope’s “Galactic Tranquility” was released by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2022. Published on January 10th.

The Hubble Space Telescope will be available earlier this year, according to NASA.“1 billion seconds” have passed since orbit insertionDid.The Hubble Space Telescope is the Space Shuttle launched on April 24, 1990.“Discovery”It was carried to space by the STS-31 mission by STS-31, and was put into low earth orbit using the robot arm “Canada Arm” at around 4:38 (Japan time) on April 26, the same year.

According to NASA, it was January 1, 2022 local time that reached 1 billion seconds (at around 6:25 on January 2, 2022 in Japan time, at Casio’s “high-precision calculation site”. calculation). NASA successfully launched the other day at the announcement“James Webb”And the launch is planned for the mid-2020s“Nancy Grace Roman”Touching the next-generation space telescope,Discoveries brought regarding in the “next billion seconds” that can only be imagined nowI have expressed my expectations.

Image Credit: ESA / Hubble & NASA, D. Jones, A. Riess et al.
Source: ESA / Hubble / NASA / NTRS
Sentence / Takehiro Matsumura



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