14-year-old suspected Islamic State supporter detained in Korneuburg

2024-08-29 08:08:11

A 14-year-old suspected supporter of the radical Islamic terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS) was detained in Korneuburg. The teenager allegedly shared and posted documents praising the Islamic State. Responding to an APA request in a Krone report (Thursday edition), Josef Mechtler, spokesman for the prosecutor’s office, confirmed that the Austrian was being investigated for terrorist organization and dangerous threats related to weapons laws.

Mekhterer said the documents showed “some Islamic State members known to the media, some attacks, some Islamic State symbols and flags”. Others called for violence against people of other faiths. According to information, the content was shared and posted on various channels. Following his arrest at the end of July, the 14-year-old was detained and his detention was extended on August 8 due to the risk of committing a crime and carrying out an offence. According to reports, the suspect is of Afghan descent.

The report said the report about the student came from Germany, where the boy’s TikTok and Instagram profiles were noticed in German online surveillance. According to “Krone” reports, investigators found a photo on the boy’s smartphone that showed three people wearing red circles, one of whom was a Vienna city politician. A pistol can be seen and the call to kill can be read. The suspect said he simply retweeted the image, the report said. He doesn’t even know the politicians. The Korneuburg prosecutor’s office did not confirm the discovery upon request; a spokesman kept a low profile “for tactical reasons.”

#14yearold #suspected #Islamic #State #supporter #detained #Korneuburg



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