134 attacks against human rights defenders were recorded in August in Venezuela

  • Most of the cases were due to intimidation and harassment against activists who carried out actions to defend human rights.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) Center for Defenders and Justice recorded 134 attacks and security incidents against human rights activists and groups in Venezuela during the month of August.

This figure is 78 more cases than those reported by the NGO in July, when it documented 56 attacks, according to the report published on September 24.

“In the post-electoral context, the policy of criminalization, repression and social control that affects actions to promote, defend and demand human rights has deepened, which has increased the attacks and intimidation against those who carry them out,” the NGO said.

These were the forms of attacks documented by the NGO:

– 56 for intimidation and harassment

– 47 for stigmatization

– 19 for threats

– 5 arbitrary arrests

– 4 for the prosecution of activists

– 3 in the category of others, which were not specified

Photo: EFE

“The State employs various measures aimed at controlling, criminalizing and neutralizing the defense of human rights in a climate of fear that tends to lead to organizations withdrawing from action for fear of reprisals,” It is read in the report from the Center for Advocates and Justice.

Those responsible for attacks against activists

The NGO revealed in its report that 72% of the registered cases were carried out against organisations, while the remaining 28% were specifically directed at defenders.

“Aggressions against physical and moral integrity have increased. These attacks are accompanied by stigmatization and questions about the independence and veracity of the work of human rights NGOs, as well as accusations of being ‘fascist’, ‘terrorist’, ‘destabilizing’, among others,” the NGO stressed.

As for the main perpetrators, the Center for Defenders and Justice highlighted that government media outlets lead the table with 36%, followed by public officials (30%), public institutions (21%), people close to the government (7%) and security agencies (6%).

The report indicated that the attacks are often accompanied by widespread disqualification, threats and intimidation against the work of human rights organizations in the country based on the recent Law approved by the National Assembly (AN) to regulate the work of NGOs.

“We call for efforts to build enabling and safe environments for those who promote, demand and defend rights. Defenders must be able to carry out their activities freely and without fear of reprisals,” concluded the Center for Defenders and Justice.

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Photo: Provea


On August 15, the AN approved the Law on Supervision, Regulation, Action and Financing of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Non-Profit Social Organizations.

Among the provisions of the law, it proposes the judicial dissolution of these groups that violate the established provisions, by judicial decision or failure to pay any fine imposed.

Furthermore, it indicates that NGOs must notify the funding they receive in order to ensure the legality of the funds, for which they require the identification of donors, indicating whether they are national or foreign, accidental or permanent.

According to this law, non-governmental groups are prohibited from receiving financial contributions for political organizations or making financial contributions to such organizations, as well as from promoting “fascism, intolerance or hatred.”

The regulations also indicate that it is the responsibility of the Executive to monitor and control compliance with the duties and prohibitions established in the new legislation, for which, among other measures, it will implement and evaluate mechanisms that serve these purposes.

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2024-09-26 01:43:54



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