13 Tips to Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally

2023-04-29 17:37:50

It is possible to increase our level of serotonin when we feel tired, without energy. So read on to find out how!

13 Tips to Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally

Last update : 29 avril, 2023

For people who suffer from a depressive disorder, certain medications must be administered. However, beyond medication, there are other ways to naturally increase serotonin levels and improve the concentration of this neurotransmitter implicated in depression.

This is possible with a good diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle under the sign of peace and harmony. Above all, avoid stress. So read on and learn more about how to increase serotonin levels daily.

Why do serotonin levels drop?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. This chemical is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. It is synthesized in the brain and even in the intestines, from an amino acid called tryptophan.

Although serotonin is more often linked to moods, it influences a variety of functions, ranging from pleasure and anxiety, to learning, to temperature regulation, libido and appetite.

When it is not synthesized well, we feel discouraged, sensitive, uncomfortable, irritable, anxious and even aggressive. Symptoms of fatigue or apathy, sleep disturbances, inability to concentrate and low self-esteem appear.

On the other hand, we manifest irrepressible urges to eat, especially carbohydrates. As theories testify, low serotonin levels are associated with depression, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and anxiety disorders.

Various factors, both external and internal, can contribute to a serotonin deficiency:

  • Stress
  • Low levels of L-tryptophan
  • Poor diet in general
  • Vitamin B6 deficiency
  • Exercise
  • Lack of sun exposure
  • Hormonal changes
  • Diabetes

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How to Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally

When there is a deficit, this neurotransmitter can increase as soon as certain medications are consumed. However, you can also increase serotonin levels naturally. Let’s see some recommendations in this regard.

1. Diet rich in tryptophan

Given that tryptophan is fundamentally important in the production of the neurotransmittereating foods high in this amino acid will help naturally increase serotonin levels.

Fortunately, tryptophan is found in a wide variety of foods:

  • Dairy products in general
  • Poultry meat (chicken or turkey)
  • Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and horse mackerel
  • Fresh fruits, such as bananas or bananas, plums, strawberries, pineapple, and avocados
  • Nut
  • Vegetables, such as beets, carrots, broccoli, and spinach
  • Legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas, and soybeans
  • Sesame and pumpkin seeds
  • Dark chocolate without sugar
  • Spirulina
Although bananas are the food most associated with tryptophan, there are many other foods that provide this amino acid.

2. Omega 3 fatty acids

Fatty acids of this type not only promote the production of serotonin, but also that of other neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. There are a wide variety of foods rich in omega-3s, such as fish and shellfish, nuts, cabbage, pineapple, cucumber, lettuce, flaxseed, chia, and hemp.

3. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is an essential cofactor that must be present in the synthesis of serotonin, to facilitate the transformation of amino acids. For this reason, it is included in antidepressants. However, it can be consumed in rich foods, such as bananas, legumes, cereals and nuts.

4. Cut carbs

When we talk about foods to naturally increase serotonin levels, we should not only mention those that can be eaten. There are also foods that should be avoided.

This is the case of carbohydrates, in particular refined sugars, such as those used in cookies and industrial pastries. This also applies to white bread, rice and unfinished pasta.

5. Avoid caffeine

Continuing with the substances we should consume less to increase serotonin levels, caffeine should be avoided. Besides coffee and black tea, soft drinks and energy drinks are also high in caffeine. This substance helps to increase the levels of adrenaline and cortisol, elements that generate the opposite effect of serotonin.

6. Manage your stress

On the one hand, serotonin helps us deal with stress, but on the other hand, high levels of stress also affect the production of serotonin. And it can become a vicious cycle that we have to break.

In short, the recommendation is to avoid or stay away from anything that causes undue stress. This includes tense work situations, certain people, and even his own thoughts.

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7. Practice meditation

When it comes to managing stress levels, meditation is one of the most effective tools. Studies conducted on this subject show positive effects in terms of physiological and psychological well-being, helping to ward off worries or intrusive thoughts.

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8. Practice physical activity

The benefits of exercise are known. Among them is the increased levels of serotonin and tryptophan, even in schizophrenic patients, as evidenced by some research.

Although aerobic exercises are generally the most recommended, you can choose whatever activity you like. Walking, running, cycling or hiking have the advantage of being outdoor activities. Basketball and other team sports add the competitive factor. Dancing includes the act of listening to music.

9. The importance of daylight

Another vitamin that also plays an important role in the production of serotonin is vitamin D. In addition to being present in certain foods (milk, cereals, fish, liver, eggs), its production increases in the body when the latter is exposed to the sun.

Of course, you should not expose yourself to the sun without precautions. Simply work in spaces that receive daylight or exercise outdoors

10. Special lamps

When there is not much daylight, it is possible to use special lamps to avoid what is called seasonal affective disorder. This is called the phototherapy.

If this is your case or the case where you live, or you find that at certain times of the day you feel down, you may want to consider this option. The lamp used is 10,000 lux and must be placed 50 centimeters away from you, for half an hour.

11. Sleep

Among other negative consequences, lack of regular rest leads to fatigue and stress. This is why good rest is important. Additionally, while we sleep, the body naturally restores serotonin levels.

Rest counts among its benefits the increase in the concentration of serotonin.

12. Laugh

A person who is always in a good mood is less likely to become depressed and fall ill. Studies conducted in this regard confirm that laughter reduces the stress generated in the intra-hospital environmentcontributing to the patient’s recovery.

Therefore, the recommendation is to perform entertaining activities, such as watching funny movies or videos, attending comedy-type plays, meeting funny people, telling or making jokes.

13. Sex

And when it comes to pleasurable activities, nothing is more stimulating than having sex with your partner. A session of kisses, caresses and the like increases serotonin levels to the maximum.

Are drugs necessary to increase serotonin levels?

While it is true that there are mechanisms to naturally increase serotonin levels, it is also true that in some people, the production of this hormone is seriously affected by various factors, such as dysthymia.

In these cases, drugs can be administered, such as serotonin modulators or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-noradrenaline or noradrenaline-dopamine, depending on the pathology. Of course, this should only be considered under strict medical supervision.

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