13 former Latin American foreign ministers criticize the TSJ ruling and consider it “unconstitutional”

13 former Latin American foreign ministers criticize the TSJ ruling and consider it “unconstitutional”

A group of thirteen former foreign ministers from various Latin American countries, including Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Panamaissued a statement this Monday in which they express their disagreement with the judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela. This ruling validated the results of the July 28 elections announced by the Electoral Power.

The former foreign ministers argue that the TSJ lacks the impartiality and independence necessary to issue a legitimate judgment. In their statement, they claim that the court’s ruling, which supports the election results in favor of Nicolas Madurois not only invalid, but also unconstitutional.

The former ministers also call for respect for popular sovereignty and for independent verification of the election results. They stress the importance of the Venezuelan government publishing the disaggregated voting records to allow for a transparent review.

“We support diplomatic efforts to facilitate a democratic transition,” they said.

The signatories include such prominent figures as Jorge Castaneda, Jose Antonio Meade and Claudia Ruiz Massieu from Mexico, Luis Gallegos from Ecuador and Maria Angela Holguin from Colombia, Jose Miguel Insulza and Heraldo Munoz from Chile, Eladio Loizaga from Paraguay, Susana Malcorra from Argentina, Rodolfo Nin Novoa from Uruguay, Aloysio Nunes from Brazil and Isabel De Saint Malo from Panama.

TSJ ruling on election results

The TSJ ruling, issued on August 22, certified the results in favor of Maduro for the 2025-2031 presidential term, based on an expert appraisal of the electoral material. The president of the TSJ, Caryslia Rodríguez, assured that the data is supported by the minutes of the voting machines.

Reactions from the opposition and the CNE

The decision of the TSJ has been rejected not only by the Venezuelan opposition, but also by various actors in the cinternational community. In response, the CNE has confirmed its commitment to the TSJ decision.

Caracas / The Impulse

#Latin #American #foreign #ministers #criticize #TSJ #ruling #unconstitutional
2024-08-28 08:19:44



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