12-year-old killed in Germany: stabbed to death by two girls

The alleged perpetrators confessed to the crime, said the chief public prosecutor in Koblenz, Mario Mannweiler, on Tuesday at a press conference.

Both suspects are criminally responsible. But that doesn’t mean that “nothing will be done now,” stressed Mannweiler. “We are now placing this case in the hands of the juvenile authorities.” You are now in a “protected area”.

The chief public prosecutor did not name the background to the case and the motives for the crime, referring to the personal rights of the underage suspects.

During the autopsy of the corpse in the forensic medicine department of the Mainz University Hospital, numerous knife wounds were found, the investigators said. The girl bled to death as a result. The murder weapon or weapons would continue to be searched.

The twelve-year-old girl was found dead on Sunday near a cycle path in Rhineland-Palatinate, right on the state border with North Rhine-Westphalia. The child was reported missing on Saturday. The 12-year-old was last seen in Freudenberg at around 5:30 p.m. when she started walking home after visiting a friend. When the twelve-year-old didn’t come home, the search began that evening with strong police and fire brigade forces. It is still puzzling why the dead girl was not found on the way home from her girlfriend in the direction of Freudenberger city center, but in the opposite direction and thus in Rhineland-Palatinate territory.


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