12 Stamp Causes of Death Used by Filmmakers That Are Scientifically Impossible

Movie Deaths That Wouldn’t Happen in Reality

1. When all your flesh is eaten by piranhas

Piranhas are considered the most dangerous fish following sharks. The common belief that they can tear apart everything they meet in their path often appears in films. In fact, these floating predators, like all fish, swim away if a creature of a larger size than them appears nearby. Piranhas attack only those who are smaller than them, or are already dying, so in real life, devouring a person to the bones by piranhas is impossible.

2. Getting sucked into quicksand

This plot has become so popular in cinema that researchers have devoted a lot of time to studying this phenomenon. Slow suction with quicksand looks spectacular, but is actually impossible. In fact, everyone who enters the danger zone first sinks, and then emerges, getting stuck on the surface. Death in this case can only come from exhaustion.

3. Cutting the body with wire

Most people have seen in the movies the old trick of cutting a man’s body in two with a piece of wire he stumbled upon along the way. A spectacular sight, when parts of the body are cut off like a razor, with the help of strong tension, in fact – a fake.

The wire can really inflict terrible injuries and even lead to death, but it is unable to cut off a piece of the body, like a knife. If a person stumbles upon a wire, it will simply bend over.

4. Being quickly strangled to death

Hollywood films often show how the killer strangles the victim with his hands and she quickly dies. In reality, strangling a person is much more difficult than we see in the movies. This is certainly not a quick process, which can take up to five minutes until the victim dies. Sometimes a person who is being strangled can pass out and wake up in a few seconds if the grip is loosened.

5. Explosion of a car with gunshots

Just a few bullets in the gas tank of a car – and it instantly explodes or ignites: this scene in the movie can be seen quite often. Real life is a slightly different story. Gas tanks in cars are made as safe as possible and are able to withstand even severe damage during accidents. There isn’t enough oxygen inside the tank to cause an explosion. In addition, most bullets do not have the strength to penetrate the walls of the tank or ignite the fuel from the inside.

6. Death by gasoline and a lit cigarette

Spectacular spectacle: the killer throws a burning cigarette into gasoline and watches as the victim and everything around him flares up brightly. This happens in many action films. But the problem is that gasoline is not so easy to ignite. Despite the fact that cigarettes burn at a higher temperature than fuel liquid, they are very difficult to use to ignite.

The researchers tried to light gasoline from a cigarette, but none of the two thousand such attempts were successful. They believe that the liquid either extinguishes the cigarette or lowers its temperature before it can ignite the gas.

SourcePhoto 7Smashing the body to smithereens following freezing with liquid nitrogen

In the movies, liquid nitrogen is portrayed as a kind of magical substance that can freeze flesh or any object it comes into contact with. And while this chemical can be used to shatter small objects, it certainly won’t work for killing, as shown in the movies.

Liquid nitrogen can quickly lower the temperature of the skin, but it takes a long time for it to lower the temperature of the entire human body. In addition, a very large amount of the substance will be needed, because it evaporates when it comes into contact with the skin in small doses.

8. Your body explodes in the vacuum of space.

In science fiction films, it is claimed that a person who goes into outer space from a ship without a spacesuit immediately explodes and scatters into thousands of particles throughout the universe. In reality, the human body will swell up to regarding double its size because the fluid inside the body will begin to bubble. However, the skin is so elastic that it is able to withstand such pressure and the fact that the body will burst is almost impossible. The absence of oxygen in 15 seconds will lead to loss of consciousness, and then to death.

9. Death following a strong blow to the nose with the palm of your hand

Movie characters have an amazing ability to kill their enemies in hand-to-hand combat. One of the deadly tricks is a blow to the nose with the palm of your hand. Cinematic legend claims that the nasal bone is pressed inward so hard that it pierces the brain, as a result of which the victim dies.

Such a death is impossible for an obvious reason: our noses are almost entirely cartilage and there is no bone in them, which can damage the brain so seriously. The hard particle is only at the top of the nose, but its size is not enough to lead to death.

10 Death By Gun Bomb

Movies regarding terrorists often show a scene where the villain shoots directly at the bomb, and it instantly explodes. Some explosive devices can indeed go off when hit by a bullet, but most are designed to last longer. Ammo makers don’t want them to explode instantly, because it might not happen in the right place.

11. Decapitation like a hot knife through butter

In films, the head is cut off easily, like a warm knife cutting into butter. In reality, cutting off someone’s head is very difficult. The muscles of the human neck are very strong and reinforced by the spine. The executioners had to cut their heads several times with a heavy ax or sword in order to complete the work they had begun.

Death is a terrifying and, at the same time, impressive phenomenon. Filmmakers try to make this moment as spectacular as possible, so they often do not pay attention to such trifles as logic and the real possibility of events. The main thing is that the viewer likes it and the ratings grow, because without tickling the nerves, there is nothing here.

12. Plunging into lava

Another striking death in action-packed and science fiction films is a fall into the mouth of a volcano or into a pit of fiery lava. Spectacular spectacle, when the victim slowly drowns, being fully conscious, is a real fake. In fact, lava has a high density, and bodies that fall into it will simply float on the surface. Death in this case will occur from combustion.



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