12 Habits to Avoid Before Exercise (Everyone Does It)

2024-08-16 11:56:57

Are there any mistakes you should definitely avoid before exercising? You tell yourself that as long as you’re moving, it’s already positive, right? Well, not necessarily! Here are 12 scary things to avoid before exercising. Make sure to avoid them to make progress toward your fitness goals.

Poor pre-workout planning

If you’re used to mixing up pre-workouts in the locker room as soon as you get to the gym, you’re making a big mistake. Most ingredients in pre-workout take 30 to 60 minutes to reach optimal levels in the blood. Therefore, you will not benefit from their benefits during your first and most important practice. To avoid this, do a pre-training session 30 minutes before you start training.

Fasting training

If your goal is to burn fat, training on an empty stomach may seem like a good idea, but it can seriously impact the quality of your training and your overall goals. When your body is low on energy, you may feel weak and have more difficulty performing difficult exercises. Ineffective training often leads to frustration and the subsequent temptation to overeat to compensate, thus negating the fat-burning benefits.


It is crucial to give your body time to digest what you eat. Like undereating, overeating can lead to ineffective exercise. Find the right balance: Eating a light to medium meal about an hour before exercise will provide you with enough energy without feeling heavy or worrying about digestion.

Lack of pre-workout ingredients

Make sure your pre-workout contains key ingredients like caffeine, beta-alanine, and creatine monohydrate. These components will help you stay focused throughout your workout and will also increase your power and muscular endurance. Without one of these, you may be missing out on potential strength gains.

Do aerobic exercise before strength training

Performing vigorous aerobic exercise before strength training may cause additional fatigue, reducing your ability to train your muscles to their full capacity. Aerobic exercise and strength training use different energy systems. If muscle growth is your priority, save cardio for another time: either on separate days or after a strength-training session to ensure you have the energy to perform at your best.

muscle activation exercises

Isolation movements or band activation exercises before training may be unnecessary or even counterproductive. Compound exercises like squats and deadlifts already engage a wide range of muscles. By pre-fatiguing small muscle groups through isolation exercises, you run the risk of them being restricted during compound exercises. Proper exercise selection and good technique are usually enough to effectively activate all necessary muscles.

static stretching

Traditional static stretching before training can have a negative impact on your performance. This type of stretching involves holding a position for a period of time and can temporarily reduce muscle force and power production. Instead, opt for dynamic stretches that include a full range of motion to prepare your body for exercise.

Skip warm-up

Avoid skipping your warm-up entirely, as this can hurt your performance and increase your risk of injury. A good warm-up prepares your joints, increases muscle elasticity, and prepares your nervous system for the demands of exercise. Think of your body like a car engine: it runs best when it’s warm.

Abdominal exercises before strength training

Performing high-rep abdominal exercises before strength training is unnecessary and may be counterproductive. Many compound exercises already work the abdominal muscles for stability. Exhausting your abs by performing separate workouts beforehand can pre-fatigue key muscle groups needed for optimal performance. If you want to train your abs, incorporate these exercises into your strength training sessions.

Perform isolation exercises before getting back together

Avoid isolation exercises for smaller muscles before compound exercises. Compound exercises work multiple muscle groups at the same time. If you’ve exhausted small muscles during isolation exercises, they may become weak links during compound exercises, limiting your ability to lift heavier weights or perform as many reps as possible.


Optimal hydration is critical for physical and mental performance. Don’t just drink lots of water before exercise; hydration is an ongoing process. Make sure you stay well hydrated throughout the day to avoid negatively affecting your performance. When you’re dehydrated, your body and brain function decline, limiting your strength, endurance, and ability to concentrate.

not prepared

Arrive at the gym with a plan so you don’t waste time thinking about your post-warm-up routine. Consider bringing a notebook to jot down exercises and amounts so you can easily track your progress and check back as you go. Being prepared also includes mental preparation: optimal concentration is essential for optimal performance. Create a routine that gives you your full attention before each workout.

To get the most out of your workout, it’s important to avoid these 12 common mistakes. Proper planning and preparation will help you maximize your performance and achieve your fitness goals. Remember, persistence is just as important as avoiding these pre-workout pitfalls—establish a regular exercise routine and watch the rewards come.

source: health alpha

#Habits #Avoid #Exercise



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