“12 Foods to Improve Liver Detoxification and Protection Against Carcinogens and Pesticides”

2023-05-16 09:06:02

Improve liver detoxification ability

Pesticides, preservatives, and even first-class carcinogens have been detected in many foods such as fruits and vegetables, instant noodles, pepper, and fast food. Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu pointed out that the liver is the largest “detoxification factory” in the human body. If the liver function is damaged, it will be difficult to expel toxins. She made a list of liver-protecting and detoxifying foods, recommended 12 kinds of foods to improve liver detoxification ability, remove pesticides, preservatives, and carcinogens; and taught to avoid 6 types of foods to stay away from hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cancer and other liver diseases .

The liver helps excrete carcinogens, pesticides, preservatives

Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu in hisfacebook pageThe article pointed out that many foods on the market are often found to contain carcinogens, pesticides and preservatives, and the liver with detoxification is very important. She pointed out that the liver is an important organ of the body. In addition to regulating metabolism and secretion, it can also convert drugs, carcinogens, food additives, environmental pollutants, etc., which are foreign substances that are not part of the body, into non-toxic.

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