2024-01-14 11:02:06
The term “stretching” refers to a training method aimed at lengthening the muscle through different techniques. In terms of suppleness and flexibility, stretching has multiple benefits on a daily basis: we systematically adopt them in fitness rooms, but also in high-level sports training. Here are the 12 most useful and effective exercises for practicing a proper muscle warm-up.
Do not exercise if you have pain or problems with your skeletal muscular system.
Getting Started: Get into the correct position before starting the stretches
Getting in a good position – Source: spm
First sit on a firm surface. Shift your body weight onto your sciatic bones so that your spine is in its natural position. Pull your chin back and down so that your neck is aligned with your back.
Neck stretch
Stretching the neck – Source: spm
Never skip these stretching or stretching exercises. Not only do they take very little time, but most importantly, they help relax muscles and prevent all kinds of joint pain. Starting with the neck! To maintain good mobility, it is important to stretch it as often as possible.
Turn your head to the right. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds. Return to the starting position and turn your head to the other side.
Head tilt
Head tilt – Source: spm
These stretches are effective in relieving all tension in the head and shoulders. Enough to prevent muscle pain and improve flexibility.
Tilt your head to the right. Place your right hand on the left side of your head, near your ear, and squeeze it gently. Pull your left hand toward the floor. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds, then switch sides.
Trunk rotations
Trunk rotation – Source: spm
The benefits of trunk stability are numerous: reduction in the risk of traumatic injuries, prevention of lower back pain, improvement in posture and balance, optimal breathing, better sports performance, etc. among others.
Cross your arms across your chest. Turn your body and head to look behind your right shoulder. The pelvis must remain in place without moving. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat the exercise on the other side.
Back stretches
Back stretch – Source: spm
Do you often have back problems? These stretches are excellent for improving flexibility and stimulating blood flow to muscle tissues, preventing and reducing pain.
Place your palms on your knees. Arch your back slightly. A slight bend is enough to stretch tight muscles. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds.
Lateral bends
Lateral bends – Source: spm
How to fight scoliosis and round back? By regularly performing these lateral flexions: they stretch the lateral muscles of the abdomen and back. As a bonus, they promote better breathing in the sides of the rib cage.
Raise your right arm. Lean to the left while extending the right side of your body. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat the exercise on the other side.
Forward bends
Flexion avant – Source : spm
Here you will be able to stretch the entire spine and soften the entire back up to the top of the head. In addition, curling up helps you let go, release tension and relieve possible back pain.
Lean forward and place your stomach on your knees. The arms hang freely and the neck should remain straight. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds.
Triceps and shoulder stretches
Triceps and shoulder stretches – Source: spm
It is an excellent way to stabilize the scapula, improve pushing movements to boost sports performance.
Raise right elbow above head and place forearm behind back, palm on shoulder blade in front of center back. Place your left hand behind your back at waist level. The elbow is pressed once morest the waist, the forearm is extended along the back, the palm facing outwards. If possible, connect the fingers of both hands. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds, then switch hands.
Quadriceps stretches
Stretching the quadriceps – Source: spm
The quadriceps are frequently used for cycling or running, in particular. It is therefore necessary to stretch them following each effort. Thanks to these stretches, you will avoid inflammation in the pelvis and hips.
Stand up straight. Bend your right knee and grasp the toe with your right hand, pressing the heel once morest your buttock. Don’t push your right hip too far forward, it should be regarding even with your left hip. You should feel the stretch in the front of your thigh. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds, holding onto a wall or the back of a chair if you are afraid of losing your balance. Repeat the exercise with the opposite leg.
Lower leg muscle stretches
Stretching the lower leg muscles – Source: spm
To reoxygenate the muscles and reduce the risk of injury, these stretches are very effective for muscle relaxation. Nothing better to avoid nasty aches and pains!
Walk up to the wall and place your palms once morest it. Place your right foot once morest the wall (the tip of your toe). Step back with your left leg. Bend the knee of your right leg and pull it toward the wall. The left leg should remain straight, with the heel resting on the floor. You should feel the muscles in your left leg stretch. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Stretching the hip flexor muscles
Stretching the hip flexor muscles – Source: spm
The benefits here are multiple: improvement in the flexibility of the hip flexor muscles, increased range of movement, correction of posture and relief of lower back pain.
Lie on your back with your legs straight. Bring your right knee toward your chest, place your hands on it and bring it together. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds, then switch legs.
Back thigh stretch
Back thigh stretch – Source: spm
Remember that a lack of flexibility in the hamstrings does a lot of damage. You will always have back problems and poor pelvic mobility. It is therefore important to stretch them frequently to minimize pain in the lower back.
Lie on your back. Bend your left leg at the knee and place your foot on the floor. Straighten your right leg and lift it up. The angle between your hip and your body should be 90° or less. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Stretching the chest muscles
Stretching the chest muscles – Source: spm
Finally, to improve your recovery following exercise, relieve muscle tension, banish stiffness and gain flexibility, end your session with these chest stretches.
Lie on your back. Lift and bend your left leg at the knee. Place the ankle of the right foot on the knee of the left foot. Bring the left knee closer to your body. At this point, you will feel the stretch in the right gluteal muscle. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat the exercise with the other leg.
And There you go ! These simple little chair stretches can easily be done daily, at home or in the office. We advise you to perform them every two or three hours! As for floor exercises, you can practice them peacefully at home. Come on, we’re counting on you to motivate yourself: you’ll see, stretching regularly completely changes your life!
#exercises #flexible #body