113 new BBS graduates on the job market –

Some 113 new graduates of BGFI Business School (BBS) received their certificates last Saturday during a grand ceremony organized at the headquarters of BGFI Holding Corporation, the parent company of which BBS is a subsidiary, in the presence of Henri Claude Oyima, CEO of the group.

Among the new graduates, there are 86 holders of a bachelor’s degree and 27 holders of a master’s degree. They were trained in the professions of banking, finance, insurance and management. All from the class of 2023, they are now ready to embrace the world of work.

« The winners of the 2023 class (…) are ready to take on the challenges and act as accomplished professionals to contribute in turn to the performance of companies in our countries. “, said Professor Pamphile Mezui-Mbeng, Director General of BBS.

The godfather and the best of the promotion © DR

These now professionals have benefited during their training from an exceptional academic path totaling 1,500 hours for the bachelor’s cycle and 960 hours for the master’s cycle. They have also completed internships in companies lasting an average of 3 months (bachelor’s 3) or 6 months for the master’s 2.

This immersion in the professional world allowed them to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and develop concrete skills.

The 2023 class is sponsored by Jean Baptiste Bikalou, CEO of Petro Gabon, specializing in the distribution of petroleum products, who warmly congratulated his godchildren on their success.

« I wish those of you who want to have other degrees, in addition to the one you are obtaining today, good luck. “, said Mr. Bikalou addressing the winners.

« To those who are about to embrace professional life – as an employee or as a fellow entrepreneur – I wish you an excellent and enriching journey. “, he concluded after recommending to his godchildren to emphasize ethics, work well done, resilience in the face of the inevitable challenges of professional life.

Moved, the 113 winners warmly thanked the BGFIBank group, founder of BBS, without forgetting their sponsor.

« Today marks the beginning of a new adventure, in which we will continue to put into practice the knowledge and values ​​instilled by BBS “, confessed the winners in a collective speech read by Cassandra Longa Biye, spokesperson for the occasion.

Founded in 2008, BBS is a private higher education institution dedicated to training the African elite. BBS has two major training centers: the Continuing Education Center for professionals and the Diploma Training Center which prepares students for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the fields of Banking, Finance, Insurance, Accounting, Control and Audit, Business Management and Commercial Development, Corporate Law and Banking Information Systems.

During the 2023-2024 academic year, the establishment had a total enrollment of 527 students from Gabon, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Congo Brazzaville.

According to its general director, BBS, the future of the institution looks very promising. BBS is counting on opening new courses from the start of the 2024-2025 academic year to meet the evolving needs of the market. The institution plans to build a new modern campus that can accommodate 1,000 students.

Antoine Relaxes

2024-07-30 19:32:45
#BBS #graduates #job #market



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