113 days.. Learn about the date of the month of Ramadan and its first days astronomically

Approximately 113 days, on a date RAMADAN month For the year 1444 AH, corresponding to 2023 AD, as astronomical calculations indicate that Ramadan 1444 AH will be its first astronomical day on Thursday 3/23/2023 AD.

The crescent of the month of Ramadan will be born immediately after the conjunction occurs at exactly seven o’clock and 24 minutes in the evening, Cairo local time, on Tuesday, 29 Sha’ban 1444 AH, corresponding to 3/21/2023 AD (the day of sighting).

The month of Ramadan is the ninth month in the lunar year, and it comes after the month of Sha`ban, followed by the month of Shawwal, and God Almighty has preferred it over the rest of the months of the year. Because it is one of the pillars of Islam, and its fasting is obligatory for every Muslim, and about it the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: (Islam was built on five, bearing witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, establishing prayer, paying zakat, and paying zakat. and fasting Ramadan),

And the Hijri calendar system depends on the lunar month, which is represented by the period of time that the moon takes in a complete revolution around the earth. 9th of Ramadan – 10th of Shawwal – 11th of Dhul Qi’dah – 12th of Dhul Hijjah.

The Hijri, lunar, or Islamic calendar is a calendar that relies on the cycle of the moon to determine the months and is adopted by some Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia, as an official calendar for the state. 622 AD) as a reference to the first year in it, and this is the reason why it is called the Hijri calendar.

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