11 Police Investigated by Propam Regarding Discussion Disbandment

Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Ary Syam (MI/Susanto)

Polda Metro Jaya through the Professional and Security Sector (Propam) examined 11 members to investigate the handling of the case of the dissolution of the Homeland Forum (FTA) discussion at the Grand Kemang Hotel, South Jakarta. One of them is the Mampang Prapatan Police Chief, Police Commissioner Edy Purwanto.

“To date, the Propam Division of Polda Metro Jaya has carried out investigations on 11 officers from Polres, Polsek and Polda,” said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, today.

Ade Ary did not specify the identities of the 11 members being questioned. However, he confirmed that one of the members being questioned was the Mampang Prapatan Police Chief, Police Commissioner Edy Purwanto.

Also read: National Police Chief Instructs to Take Firm Action against Perpetrators of Forced Disbandment of Discussions

“Yes, yes (Kapolsek Mampang Prapatan). So, those who carry out security duties, then several members who carry out security are given an in-depth study regarding SOPs (standard operating procedures), what steps are carried out and so on,” said the former South Jakarta Metro Police Chief.

Apart from the 11 members, Ade Ary said that the Propam Division of Polda Metro Jaya also examined two witnesses from the public. Both of them are security and managers of the Grand Kemang Hotel.

“Such are the steps taken to maintain transparency and accountability. So please take time, Bid Propam is still conducting in-depth research,” said Ade Ary.

Also read: Police Name Two Suspects in the Action to Disband Discussion in Kemang

This middle-ranking police officer did not explain what was discovered about the 11 members and two members of the community. He only said that the results of the examination would be used as evaluation material and material to improve the performance of the National Police in the future.

“If there are any findings, what will be the results? What is clear is that this is a commitment from the Regional Police Chief (Inspector General Karyoto) to provide the best service to the community, to protect against all forms of disturbances to Kamtibmas (security and public order),” he said.

On the other hand, Ade Ary said that Polda Metro Jaya would also evaluate each task implementation. He said that commanders in the field, starting from control officers, police chiefs and police chiefs, have SOPs for providing direction to members when securing objects in the field.

Also read: Police Arrest Perpetrator of Disbanding Discussion

“Who does what, who is responsible to whom, what must be done and what must not be done. The stages are always conveyed,” he concluded.

Apart from that, Polda Metro is also said to be carrying out an internal audit of the officers who secured the disbandment of the discussion in Kemang. With the hope that similar acts of anarchism will no longer occur in the future.

Previously, the disbandment and destruction of the Diaspora discussion event occurred at the Grand Kemang Hotel, South Jakarta on Saturday, 28 at 09.30 WIB. Dozens of people entered the Magzi Ballroom at the Grand Kemang Hotel and hit a number of security guards.

Also read: Amnesty International Urges to Investigate the Disbandment of Discussions in Kemang

In the discussion a number of figures were present. Such as the General Chair of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership for the 2005-2015 period Din Syamsuddin, constitutional law expert Refly Harun Several, former secretary of the Ministry of BUMN Muhammad Said Didu, Rizal Fadhilah, and former Danjen Kopassus, Major General TNI (Ret.) Soenarko.

Five perpetrators have been arrested. The five initials were FEK as the field coordinator, GW as the perpetrator of the damage to the Magzi Ballroom, Grand Kemang Hotel, the place of discussion. FEK and GW have been named suspects for vandalism and abuse.

Then, JJ also dispersed and vandalized them by removing billboards in the discussion room. Then, LW and MDM also played a role in destroying and breaking up the event in the discussion room.

The three perpetrators JJ, LW, and MDM have not been named as suspects and are still being investigated. Police are also still hunting for other perpetrators. The results of the police investigation showed that 10-15 people entered the hotel building and forcibly broke up the discussion. (Yon/P-2)

#Police #Investigated #Propam #Discussion #Disbandment



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