107 graduates at the “Antonio Nicolás Briceño” EU in Motatán

Douglas Abreu / CNP 21627


As planned, this Tuesday, July 16, in the morning, the pioneer EU » Antonio Nicolas Briceno» of the Motatán municipality, held the graduation ceremony where students from sixth grade were promoted to the first year of high school.

Were 107 studentsfrom sections A, B, C and D – taught by teachers Holys Chuecos, Jesús Matos, Gisela Matos – Carolina Torrealba and María Moreno, respectively – who successfully and excellently completed their studies during the 2023 – 2024 school year.

The academic event was chaired by Yajaira Matos, acting director; Monica Chavez, deputy director; coordinator Sharon Anselmi, pedagogical coordinator, Yarimar Mendez, among others.

The chairmen were Yajaira Matos, Monica Chavez, Sharon Anselmi, Yarimar Mendez and Holys Chuecos, among others.

Director Yajaira Matos

Regarding this important event, Professor Yajaira Matos said: “It is a pride to be in this school year 2023-2024, with 107 students promoted to the first year of high school: Truly, I am very grateful to the Lord first of all, that this goal was met with the students.”

“I would also like to thank the teaching staff who were active, parents and representatives who took charge of this academic event. I would also like to thank the Educational Zone, attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, for allowing us to hold this beautiful event by giving the sixth grade students the opportunity to do the graduation ceremony,” she said.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the sixth grade students and bless each one of you for achieving this goal. I truly congratulate you, along with the parents and representatives who were with you in this struggle, and keep moving forward: I truly love you all, may God bless you. Enjoy your grade,” concluded Yajaira Matos.

Director in charge Yajaira Matos, during her speech.

Professor Holys Chuecos

On behalf of the sixth grade teachers, Professor Holys Chuecos said, “I want to start by asking parents and representatives a question: did you look in the mirror this morning? Were you able to see the joy and happiness that radiates from your face? Well, I want to tell you that all of us who are here present accompanying your children and you, with a mixture of feelings that fills us today.”

Holys Chuecos spoke on behalf of the sixth grade teachers.

Teachers: excellent work

“On behalf of the “Antonio Nicolás Briceño” school, all its staff, especially my sixth grade classmates and, no less importantly, the group of specialist teachers (…) who did an excellent job. They don’t have much contact with parents and representatives, but they are always there doing their job every day,” he stressed.

“First of all, I would like to thank God for his great love and mercy for placing in our hearts that love and vocation for this work, and I would like to thank parents and representatives for giving us the confidence to place in our hands their great treasures, which are their children.” (…) To the children, a thousand thanks for every moment lived, for every approach, for every anecdote told, that is our work day following day (…),” he said.

“Perhaps today the work of teachers has been denigrated by some factors that underestimate our work. But it does not hurt us at all when we are passionate teachers. Every criticism that they think will destroy us makes us stronger and more passionate, and of course, with all this satisfaction, for example, that we feel today,” he stressed.


Word of reflection

“I will end by leaving a few words of reflection, firstly to parents and guardians, just as seeds need a mineral-rich soil to grow, people need a healthy and collaborative environment to develop to their full potential,” he said.

“I want to ask the children a question: What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve success in your next chapter, that chapter of your novel that is defining your lives? I leave you to reflect on that,” he emphasized.

The graduates received their respective academic certificates.

The farewell is “forever”

“The farewell is forever. I want you to know that my colleagues and I will always be there with open arms for you, when you need advice or support, we will always be here. Thank you very much for everything,” the teacher concluded.

Student Maikel Teran

While the student Maikel Terán expressed “Dear teachers, this is a good opportunity, on behalf of my colleagues and myself, to pay a well-deserved tribute in which we express our gratitude and, above all, to express sincere recognition for the hard work of teaching (…)”.

.- Student Maikel Terán spoke on behalf of the graduates

Words: a mix of sadness and happiness

Professor Jesús Matos – he continued – it is not easy to say goodbye to a person like you, but it is a great satisfaction to have been part of this, your story. We know that it is not a goodbye but a see you later, because we were excited to know that we will always count on you. Thank you is not enough to express what we feel. These words are a mixture of sadness and happiness and affection.

“You didn’t just teach us math, language and history,” the graduate said in closing, “you taught us regarding life. We value every lesson, every piece of advice, every gesture of affection that made us even stronger. We can only wish you success in your life and may God continue to bless you, wishing you and all the teachers present who were along for the ride on this wagon infinitely well. May God bless you, we love you.”

#graduates #Antonio #Nicolás #Briceño #Motatán
2024-07-21 16:06:01



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