$100,000 Marijuana Smuggling Operation Thwarted in the U.S

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Agents from the National Anti-Drug Secretariat (Senad) and personnel from the National Directorate of Tax Revenue (DNIT) seized more than 24 kilos of the drug, valued in the regional market at approximately 100 thousand dollars. They were sent in two packages sent from Miami, United States, destined for Ciudad del Este, but were intercepted during controls carried out in the cargo and parcel area of ​​the Silvio Pettirossi International Airport.

The opening of the packages took place this Wednesday at the Permanent Attention Office of the Palace of Justice, in the presence of Judge Rosarito Montanía and prosecutor Ingrid Cubilla.

The first package consisted of a security briefcase, inside which 14 kilos of marijuana in wax (hashish) were found, and in the second, a water heater, inside which 10 kilos of marijuana in wax, buds and electronic cigarettes were detected.

Criminal organizations are believed to be diverting these products from the legal trade system in the United States for sale in the criminal sphere in our region, Senad said.

#VIP #marijuana #shipments #valued #thwarted
2024-09-12 07:10:21

Here are some PAA (People Also⁤ Ask) related questions for the title “Paraguay’s War on ‌Drugs: ​A Series of Significant Seizures”:

Paraguay’s War on Drugs: A Series‌ of Significant Seizures

Paraguay, a country in the heart ​of South America, has been making headlines‍ recently with a string of significant drug seizures. The⁤ country’s anti-narcotics agency, Senad, has been​ working tirelessly to combat drug trafficking and criminal organizations‌ that have been attempting to smuggle large quantities of illegal substances into the country.

The Largest Cocaine Seizure in Paraguay’s‌ History

In a⁢ recent operation,​ Paraguayan authorities seized four tons of cocaine, making it the largest ​cocaine‍ seizure ⁢in the country’s history [[1]] [[2]] [[3]]. The drug was stashed ‌inside a shipment of sugar, ⁣and the ​seizure was made possible through a collaborative effort between Paraguayan authorities and ⁢international partners.

This massive seizure is a significant ⁣blow to criminal organizations that have been ​using Paraguay as a transshipment point for drugs destined for other countries. The cocaine⁤ was valued at‌ millions of dollars, ‍and its seizure will undoubtedly disrupt the illegal ‌drug trade in the region.

Marijuana Seizure at Silvio Pettirossi International Airport

In another ⁢recent operation, agents from Senad and personnel from the National Directorate of Tax Revenue (DNIT) ‌seized ⁢more than 24 kilos of marijuana at the Silvio Pettirossi International Airport [[Original article]]. The drug was sent in two packages from Miami, United States, and was⁢ destined for Ciudad ‌del Este,⁢ but was intercepted ⁢during controls carried out in the cargo‍ and parcel area of the airport.

The‍ marijuana, valued ‌at approximately 100 thousand​ dollars,⁢ was found hidden inside a ⁣security briefcase and a water heater. The⁢ seizure ​is a testament to the ‌vigilance of Paraguayan authorities and⁤ their commitment to combating drug trafficking.

Criminal Organizations and the Illegal Drug Trade

Criminal organizations are believed to be diverting products from ‌the legal trade system in the United States for sale in the criminal sphere in Paraguay ⁤and other countries in the region. These​ organizations have been using increasingly sophisticated methods to smuggle large ‌quantities of drugs into Paraguay, including hiding them inside legitimate shipments of goods.

The recent seizures are a significant ‌blow to these criminal⁢ organizations and demonstrate the⁢ effectiveness of Paraguayan ⁤authorities‍ in disrupting the illegal drug trade. ⁤The seizures ⁤also highlight the importance⁣ of international cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking and​ organized crime.


The recent drug seizures in Paraguay demonstrate the⁤ country’s commitment to⁢ combating drug ⁤trafficking and organized crime. The‍ seizures are a significant blow to criminal organizations that have been using Paraguay as a transshipment point for drugs destined for other countries. ‌The collaboration between Paraguayan authorities and international partners is crucial in disrupting the illegal drug trade and ensuring ⁣that those responsible are brought ​to justice.




<a href="https://thehill.com/homenews/ap/ap-international/ap-operation-sweetness-paraguay

Paraguay Crime rate vs us

The War on Drugs in Paraguay: Efforts and Challenges

Paraguay, a country in the heart of South America, has been grappling with the issue of drug trafficking and consumption for years. The National Anti-Drug Secretariat (SENAD) has been at the forefront of the country’s efforts to combat drug-related crimes. In recent years, Paraguay has made significant progress in seizing large quantities of illegal drugs, including cocaine and marijuana, and dismantling criminal organizations involved in the illegal drug trade.

SENAD’s Efforts

SENAD has been working tirelessly to reduce the demand for drugs and disrupt the supply chain of illegal substances. According to their website [[3]], the organization has several key goals, including reducing drug demand, reducing drug supply, and promoting national and international cooperation to combat drug trafficking.

In a recent Instagram post [[1]], SENAD announced the launch of the National Drug Policy 2024/2030, which aims to reduce drug consumption and drug-related crimes in the country. This policy is a testament to SENAD’s commitment to combating drug trafficking and improving public health in Paraguay.

Recent Drug Busts

In July 2024, Paraguay carried out its largest cocaine bust in history, seizing over 24 kilograms of the drug at the port of Asuncion [[2]]. This operation, codenamed “Operation Sweetness,” was a major success for SENAD and demonstrates the organization’s effectiveness in disrupting the drug supply chain.

In another recent operation, SENAD seized over 24 kilograms of marijuana in wax (hashish) and other forms, valued at approximately $100,000 in the regional market [[Query]]. The drugs were sent from Miami, United States, and were destined for Ciudad del Este, but were intercepted at the Silvio Pettirossi International Airport.

Challenges Ahead

Despite the progress made by SENAD, Paraguay still faces significant challenges in its fight against drug trafficking. Criminal organizations continue to find creative ways to smuggle drugs into the country, and corruption within the government and law enforcement agencies remains a major obstacle.

Additionally, the demand for drugs in Paraguay remains high, particularly among young people. This highlights the need for education and prevention programs to reduce drug consumption and promote healthy lifestyles.


The fight against drug trafficking is a complex and ongoing challenge for Paraguay and other countries in the region. SENAD’s efforts to reduce drug demand and disrupt the supply chain of



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