10 Tips to Eliminate Body Odor, Here’s the Cause

Here’s how to deal with body odor (freepik)

OVERCOMING body odor requires good hygiene and some additional steps to control sweat and odor-causing bacteria.

In addition, body odor can also disturb people around. To avoid this, it is better for you to prevent or eliminate it.

To eliminate body odor, you don’t need to go all the way to the doctor. You can treat it yourself at home.

Here are 10 Tips to Eliminate Body Odor

1. Bathe Regularly

Take a shower at least once a day to wash away sweat and bacteria from your body. Be sure to clean areas that are prone to sweat such as your armpits, feet, and body folds.

2. Use Antibacterial Soap

Choose an antibacterial soap to kill bacteria that can cause body odor. This helps reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin that interacts with sweat.

3. Dry the body well

After showering, make sure to dry your body well, especially in the folds such as the armpits and groin. Bacteria thrive in moist environments.

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4. Use Deodorant or Antiperspirant

Deodorants help cover up body odor, while antiperspirants help reduce sweat production. Choose a product that suits your needs and use it every day.

5. Wear clean, sweat-absorbing clothes

Wear clothes made from natural materials such as cotton that absorb sweat and allow the skin to breathe. Change clothes regularly, especially after sweating a lot.

6. Pay attention to your diet

Avoid foods and drinks that can trigger body odor, such as garlic, onions, strong spices, and alcohol. Eat foods that are high in fiber and drink plenty of water to help detoxify the body.

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7. Shave or Trim Underarm Hair

Underarm hair can trap sweat and slow down evaporation, giving bacteria more time to grow. Shave or trim underarm hair regularly to reduce odor.

8. Use Apple Cider Vinegar or Lemon

Apple cider vinegar and lemon have natural antibacterial properties. You can apply a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to your armpits after showering to help reduce body odor.

9. Avoid Excessive Stress

Stress can increase sweat production, which can make body odor worse. Try relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation to better manage stress.

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10. Consume Probiotics

Probiotics in yogurt or supplements can help maintain the balance of good bacteria in the body, which can help reduce body odor.

By following these tips, you can reduce and prevent body odor effectively, so you feel more confident in carrying out your daily activities.

Body odor is usually caused by a combination of sweat and bacteria on the surface of the skin.

Here are 5 Causes of Body Odor

1. Bacteria on the Skin

Sweat is actually odorless. Body odor occurs when sweat mixes with bacteria on the skin. These bacteria break down the proteins in sweat into acids that cause the unpleasant odor.

2. Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

People who have a condition called hyperhidrosis, where their body produces more sweat than usual, are more prone to body odor because the greater amount of sweat provides more “food” for bacteria.

3. Food and Drink

Certain foods such as garlic, onions, strong spices, and spicy foods can affect body odor. Alcohol and caffeine can also increase sweating and cause a stronger odor.

4. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty, menstruation, or menopause, can cause increased sweat production and changes in the composition of sweat, which can lead to stronger body odor.

5. Poor Personal Hygiene

Not maintaining good personal hygiene, such as infrequent bathing or not washing clothes regularly, can increase the risk of body odor. Bacteria and dirt that build up on the skin and clothing can make the odor worse.

By understanding these causes, a person can take appropriate steps to reduce or prevent body odor, such as maintaining cleanliness, choosing food carefully, and managing stress well. (Z-12)

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