10 tips to be happier

This Monday is celebrated International Day of Happinesssince in 2013 the HIM established the anniversary to “recognize the role that the feeling of happiness plays in the lives of people around the world.” This date is part of the plan of the United Nations who intends end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the planet, three primordial aspects that contribute, precisely, to guaranteeing this feeling of fullness.

“Happiness is in our mind, in the interpretation we make of what happens, not in what happens itself,” he says Ursula Calvo, businesswoman and guru of yoga and meditation. Her studies show that human beings are designed to seek happiness, but many times they are committed mistakes during the way. “For this reason, many billionaires commit suicide, and we see people who, with just enough to live, show an eternal smile,” says Calvo.

Among the most common mistakes that people make in relation to happiness is the fact of placing happiness in the material things or in a time that goes beyond the immediate present. “If we see it like this, we will always want more things, and they will always be in the future, that is, happiness will become unattainable,” concludes the meditation guru.

Here are some of the key activities, behaviors, attitudes, and gestures that can help achieve that much-coveted happiness.

forgive the falls

try to live without negative emotions It is nonsense, since these are part of life, and are as natural as joy, happiness and well-being. accept them It is the first step to enjoy a better life. positive. Human beings make mistakes, it is something natural, and being able to forgive us ourselves when things don’t go as expected is the best way to start being happy.

“Forgiveness is a handful of feelings that sometimes caresses us when the soul cries”

Mario Benedetti

Ration energy and time

Like machines, human beings have a natural battery that you need to constantly recharge. Knowing how to focus on the activities with which one feels most fulfilled and rationing the amount of energy that is dedicated to them allows us to take advantage of more time and not be shaken by the feeling of acceleration that invades this century XXI.

“Spend your time and energy only on the issues that are the heart of your life”

John C. Maxwell

practice sport

It is a topic, the mythical mantra A sound mind in a sound body that comes from the ancient Greece, but if everyone agrees on the benefits of maintaining a healthy and exercised body, it must be for a reason. practice sport It is something that should not be neglectedbecause it helps to feel self-actualizeddescargar stress and release the mind. In addition, physical exercise allows you to release endorphins and improve the mood.

Sport has the power to inspire, to unite people, to transform the world

Nelson Mandela

exercise self esteem

Most of the insecurities occur in childhood, but that does not justify having to accommodate to the negative thoughts. To be happy, First you have to love yourself. You don’t have to demand too much of yourself, but rather accept yourself as you are, with virtues and defects. If someone wants to change another person, maybe it’s not worth it.

“Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve”

Frida Kahlo

Be thankful

The gratitude It’s a powerful emotion has numerous psychological benefits and exponentially increases the degree of happiness of people. People usually think that they are grateful because they are happy, but the facts of life show the opposite: being grateful for what comes at every moment is what makes it possible to caress happiness.

adopt a pet

Spend time with animals can reconnect with nature. Animals are a responsibility that make them mature. Besides, affection that these profess to their owners is something unconditionalso share quality time with them It will cause immense happiness in you.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals”

Mahatma Gandhi

surround yourself with positive people

One’s happiness depends in large part on the happiness of the people with whom one comes into contact. In other words, happiness can be contagious. Avoid toxic people and surround yourself with people optimistic and positive produces very beneficial effects on personal well-being.

“Stay away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that”

Mark Twain

Live the present

According to a study of Sciencemagpeople who spend the day wallowing in their worries and problems lose up to a 47% of time. Constantly living in the future create expectations that they can do more unhappy to the person who is not at the moment gift. On the other hand, living in the moment does not mean that you should not have goals, but rather that you have to be realist and go step by step to achieve them, focused on today, being aware of what surrounds us, and of each sensation that is going through.

“When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I answered ‘Happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the question. I told them they didn’t understand life”

John Lennon

celebrate achievements

If something has been expensive to achieve, the best thing to do is celebrate it. It is good to reward triumphs and share them with loved ones, because they are moments unique e unrepeatable overcome with endeavor y sacrifice. You have to enjoy the moment and not think about other challenges and goals.

“In the end, what matters is not the years of life, but the life of the years”

Abraham Lincoln

meditate doing yoga

Another issue that is scientifically proven is that the meditation rejuvenates and prevents cellular aging, in addition to significantly reducing stress, anxiety, insomnia… and combating the symptoms of depression. In this sense, the yoga is a key ingredient to enjoy a social relationships fuller, because it allows you to keep your thoughts focused and experience the true freedom to decide without conditioning or ties, accepting emotions and turning them into a guide instead of an obstacle.

“If you let your fears out, you will have more space to live your dreams”

Marilyn Monroe

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