10 signs you’re not drinking enough water (+ our tips)

2024-08-05 02:22:01

Hydration is essential for the proper functioning of our bodies, which are composed of 75% water. When we don’t take in enough fluids, our bodies can exhibit a variety of symptoms. Here are ten signs you may be dehydrated, along with tips for improving your hydration routine.

chapped lips

When the body is dehydrated, the skin, including the lips, becomes dry. Chapped lips are a common symptom of dehydration, especially during the dry winter months. If your lips are not properly moisturized, bleeding may result.

suggestion : Use nourishing lip balm regularly throughout the day. Apply a thick layer before bed to wake up with soft lips. To remove dead skin, exfoliate your lips with a mixture of powdered sugar and olive oil.

dark urine

Dark urine may mean that the kidneys are not absorbing enough water to effectively eliminate toxins. While certain foods, such as beets and blackberries, can temporarily color urine, a persistent dark color may indicate dehydration or, in some cases, a medical condition such as hepatitis.

suggestion : To dilute your urine, drink more water. Keep a glass of water handy as a reminder to drink water often. If you’re not a fan of plain water, try drinks like tea, herbal tea, or cranberry juice, which can also help hydrate your body.


Water is essential for intestinal transit. Insufficient fluids can make stools hard and difficult to pass, leading to constipation.

suggestion : Increase your fluid intake and eat foods rich in fiber and water, such as fruits and vegetables, especially when eaten raw. Cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, watermelons and apples are particularly beneficial. Soup, whether hot or cold, is an excellent source of moisture and nutrients.

Wrinkles and dry skin

When the body is dehydrated, exchanges between the different layers of skin are disrupted. This condition causes the collagen and elastin fibers to become stiffer, causing significant discomfort, especially after showering or bathing. All skin types, including oily skin, can be affected by dehydration. This hinders the process of removing toxins, making the skin more susceptible to problems such as psoriasis, premature wrinkles, and even depigmentation.

suggestion : Drink plenty of water and moisturize your skin with moisturizer. There is no need to use a very complicated cream; usually, a simple upper epidermal moisturizer is enough.

weight gain

The brain sometimes mistakes thirst for hunger, which can cause you to eat more when your body just needs water. Additionally, hydration helps speed up metabolism, thereby increasing calorie burn.

suggestion :Learn to differentiate between thirst and hunger. If you feel hungry after a meal, your body may need water. At this time, you should choose light snacks such as fruits rich in water and fiber, and drink water frequently.

Stones and cystitis

Dehydration can lead to serious complications such as kidney stones and cystitis. Stones form when crystals precipitate in concentrated urine, which is common in hot environments or in professionals exposed to high temperatures, such as chefs.

suggestion : Be alert for the symptoms of these conditions. Kidney stones present with persistent mid-back pain and increased frequency of urination. Cystitis can cause pain during urination and frequent urges to urinate. To prevent these problems, drink enough water and consult a therapist immediately if symptoms occur. Cranberry juice may also help speed the healing of cystitis.


The brain is composed of 70% water and is particularly sensitive to dehydration. Lack of water can cause less oxygen to be available to the brain, leading to headaches, dizziness, moodiness, and fatigue.

suggestion : To avoid these headaches, make it a habit to stay hydrated every day, starting with a glass of water first thing in the morning. Even at night, keep a glass of water on hand. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake as these substances can dehydrate the body. Instead, opt for a refreshing cup of tea in the morning.


Dehydration can seriously affect the body’s functions, especially since the brain is very sensitive to water loss. This can slow down body functions and cause drowsiness, dizziness, and severe fatigue. Without enough fluids, the body lacks the energy it needs to function properly.

suggestion : It is crucial to drink enough water to keep your energy levels high. Once hydrated, the body recovers quickly, so increasing water intake can quickly improve fatigue.

joint pain

Water plays a vital role in protecting the cartilage between joints and reducing wear and tear. Dehydration can make cartilage less smooth, causing wear and inflammation during exercise, which can lead to joint pain and osteoarthritis. Additionally, dehydration can contribute to the onset of muscle cramps.

suggestion : Make sure you drink enough water to keep your joints healthy. Avoid sugary drinks and sodas, which can make inflammation worse.

weakened immune system

Water is essential for flushing out toxins from the body and reducing the risk of serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and kidney dysfunction. A lack of water weakens the body, making it more susceptible to a variety of ailments, including fatigue, constipation, kidney stones, dry skin, and even depression.

To avoid all these symptoms, just follow a simple hydration routine. Eat water-rich vegetables and fruits regularly to stay hydrated. If you notice some signs of dehydration, these easy-to-incorporate habits into your daily routine can help. Take care of yourself and make sure you stay hydrated!

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