10 natural repellents to keep mosquitoes away from home

2023-05-02 06:05:46

Mosquito repellent plant to grow near your windows

A mosquito – Source: spm

As soon as the temperatures start to climb, we already see an invasion of insects arriving at the house. This can quickly become unsustainable if we do not act quickly. Day and night, flies and mosquitoes return en masse to poison your daily life. And between us, now that we dress more lightly, having traces of bites on the arms or the neckline, it’s frankly not glamorous! Oh no, this year, you won’t let it go. You have every intention of keeping all those unbearable insects that spoil your summer period at bay. It is out of the question to barricade yourself by closing the windows, or even to ruin yourself with chemicals that poison the environment and suffocate your interior. This is unhealthy for your health and that of your children!

Don’t look too far, there are equally effective natural options for repelling these invaders. Today, we are going to focus on the unsuspected power of a beneficial plant that you know very well. It is an aromatic herb, native to India, which flavors and seasons many of your dishes, especially soups and Italian recipes, such as spaghetti. You probably guessed it: it is indeed basil. But, what you didn’t know is that its bewitching scent completely repels mosquitoes and flies. Wonderful, right? Go hop, you can grow it yourself in a pot, to install near a window or on the balcony.Easier still, in essential oil, just spray it everywhere to enjoy its smell and at the same time time to scare away all pests. The icing on the cake: basil is also known to attract positive energies and to do a lot of good for the body (better digestion, more relaxed muscles, stronger hair, etc.).

Read also: 5 Reasons to Soak Seeds Before Planting (and How to Do It)

Natural repellents: what are the smells that mosquitoes can’t stand?

Do you often wonder why insects invade your interior even at night? No wonder, since they are irresistibly attracted to infrared rays and heat sources, two typical characteristics of old incandescent bulbs. On the other hand, if you equip yourself with LED lights, you will already be somewhat spared by the presence of mosquitoes. But whatever happens, especially in summer, insects will come to prowl around, attracted by light, humidity or even sweat. The worst, of course, are precisely these bloodsuckers. From their untimely buzzing noses to itchy bites, and not to mention the plethora of viruses they carry, mosquitoes are hellish. But, even if you sometimes lose a few battles, this time you will win the war! Apart from basil, other natural scents will act as powerful repellents.

Find out who your best allies are:

We, of course, love the smell of lavender, so pleasant and relaxing, with many therapeutic effects. But mosquitoes, and not just them, hate it. Great bargain: plant it in a pot or install a few bouquets in the house, the scent will perfume your interior and the insects will disappear from your field of vision. As a bonus, lavender is so pretty that it will bring joy to your decoration.

  • Lemon and clove

Lemon and cloves

Lemon and cloves – Source: spm

The winning duo! This trick, inspired by our grandmothers, will enchant you: place slices of lemon garnished with cloves in various places in the house (even near the windows) and you will see that mosquitoes will no longer approach the surroundings. They do not tolerate this delicate tangy scent which will be welcome in your cozy nest. You can even place some on your small centerpieces!

Who knew cinnamon would be a mosquito repellent of choice? And to think that its aroma is so delicious that we even love it in our cakes! Here we go, you won’t deprive yourself of it, this solution suits you perfectly: place a few branches around a candle or simply mix the powder with water to spray this spray solution. Its uplifting fragrance will protect you from all undesirables.

Like basil, thyme is also part of the list of aromatic herbs that repel insects. Having this plant in a pot will give you a double advantage: in addition to keeping insects away, you will always have some on hand to use in the kitchen.

Do you like incense? Bank! It’s also one of the best ways to avoid a mosquito infestation at home. And if the smoke released smells of lemon, that’s even better. They hate it!

Speaking of acidity, also bet on lemongrass, it is the natural enemy of mosquitoes. Usually its essence is used to make oils, liquid repellents or candles. Why not do a little DIY to create your own homemade insecticide? So create something original to add a little extra to the decor.

Without going too far either, did you know that coffee itself is a natural remedy for repelling mosquitoes? But, it had to be said right away, since you are addicted to this black elixir! Come on, let’s go, a few small containers here and there (or even coffee-scented candles), and bye bye mosquitoes. The must would be to ignite the café like incense to banish them completely from your sight.

So there, do not skimp on essential oils! Flies, mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches… all unpleasant insects hate their smells. To stop hearing regarding mosquitoes, opt for the scents of citronella, lemon eucalyptus or geranium. A little aromatherapy at home will relax you at the same time. If you prefer, it also works with lemon, lavender or cinnamon oils.

Another very popular plant for banishing insects: mint, whose aroma and incomparable taste we love so much. If you want to drink it at will, without being bothered by the slightest mosquito, you’d better grow it in a pot and keep it on the terrace or near the windows. In addition, it is not a demanding plant: it grows and multiplies very quickly if it has direct sunlight.

Finally, while the majority of people revel in its smell, insects flee the scent of lemon balm. If you have some on you, you will have something to discourage them from approaching you. To increase its effectiveness, it is advisable to crush the leaves, make a paste and apply it to the uncovered parts of the body. No more stings!

Which plants, on the contrary, attract mosquitoes?

A word of advice: choose your houseplants carefully. Because, even if most of them are ideal for countering insects, some will have the opposite effect. Yes, you should know, there are varieties of plants that are very attractive to mosquitoes, so don’t be mistaken! Remember that these insects are attracted to CO2, water and damp vegetation.

Here are the plants to avoid:

potted laurel plant

Potted laurel plant – Source: spm

Well, it’s true, it’s hard to do without the aroma of bay leaf in some recipes, it enhances their taste so much. But, if you can’t resist, mosquitoes won’t either! The little trick: keep your windows closed when you use it in the kitchen or place a mosquito net. Ah yes, another wise solution is to camouflage the smell of laurel by putting a little lavender or lemongrass near the windows. An hour and a half !

How beautiful are these tricolor flowers, tinged with yellow, purple and white. We love having them on our balconies! Yes, but mosquitoes also love them. So what is the solution ? Especially since they are very conspicuous and never go unnoticed. Well, if you don’t want to deprive yourself of them, already, keep them away from your windows and terraces. Or, better yet, mix them with other plants, especially those that scare away mosquitoes, such as basil, lavender, lemongrass, rosemary or lemon geranium. This is the best way to dissuade them from approaching.

Read also: Water your plants with water from the washing machine: many gardeners are doing it, the reason is great

Sometimes orange, pink or purple, the flowers of the lantana have the art of attracting all kinds of flying insects and beetles. It’s even a treat for mosquitoes. No chance ! How to keep them while hoping to keep these pests away? The best option is to keep this plant away from doors and windows where the insects land. Preferably, place a mosquito repellent lamp nearby to discourage them.

As its name suggests, this flowering plant attracts a good number of butterflies to the garden. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are also easily baited. In question, the delicious nectar produced by these flowers which male mosquitoes delight with relish. Note that female mosquitoes are our real enemies since they are the ones who feed mainly on our blood.

Read also: How to grow and care for the Christmas rose?

#natural #repellents #mosquitoes #home



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