10 natural and effective appetite suppressant tips

2023-04-27 10:29:19

Having a little peck and an irresistible urge to snack outside meal times, it happens to everyone! And, generally, this irrepressible craving for sugar gets the better of our determination and our resolutions! Worse still, for some of us, thefight cravings is a challenge that must be met on a daily basis! Fortunately, there are easy actions to put in place to cut the urge to eat naturally and which have no negative impact on health! To avoid giving in to nibbling, discover 10 tips and tricks to end cravings !

What are the best appetite suppressant foods?

  • Natural sugar to fight cravings

Sugar to quell hunger? Yes we can ! Especially if you are in the middle of the followingnoon, around 5 p.m. By this time, serotonin – aka the good mood hormone – is indeed down, especially in women…and the nervous system needs sugar. Good news: according to the principles of chrononutrition, this is also the time when the body metabolizes it best. As a result, there is no reason to deprive yourself of the snack, which does not count as a snacking but like a real meal (provided that we avoid combining industrial cakes, sodas, candies and other foods that are too sweet and rich in fat, etc.). For a perfect snack that satisfieswe bet on “healthy” and not industrial sugars: fresh fruit (rich in fiber), dried fruit, squares of chocolate with more than 70% cocoa, a compote without sugar…

  • Egg white to suppress appetite

In case of small or big hollow, the egg is able to cut the hunger better and longer than any other food! An American study has shown that eggs have a satiety index 50% higher than that of bread, for example1. The reason ? Egg white is very rich in proteins (especially ovalbumin), which take a long time to digest and which stick to the body. Result, consume a hard-boiled egg for at least 2 hours. A clever appetite suppressant with less than 50 calories … provided you leave out the egg yolk, which is too rich in fat.

  • A hot drink to quell hunger

Green light on water, herbal teas (cardamom, liquorice, anise, etc.) or tea whose naturally sweet taste is enough to satisfy the taste buds in case of a little hunger! You can even concoct an appetite suppressant herbal tea, particularly indicated in this type of situation. As the liquid intake stalls a little, but not for long, it is better to invest in a thermos and sip your drink in small sips, throughout the followingnoon!

  • The ideal breakfast to avoid snacking

We may sometimes criticize their diet, but the Anglo-Saxons have it all when it comes to breakfast. Swallowing proteins in the morning (boiled egg, slice of ham, cheese, etc.), provided you avoid anything fried, rather than fast sugars (jam, refined cereals, etc.) avoids the spike in blood sugar and the secretion of insulin that accompanies it, therefore the pump stroke in the middle of the morning.

  • An anti-craving chrome cure

Some cravings, especially for sweets, can be explained by a lack of chromium. This trace element contributes to regulate blood sugar spikes, often responsible for nibbling urges. Among the foods richest in chromium are brewer’s yeast, calf and poultry liver, egg yolk, pepper, oat flakes, broccoli, Gruyère cheese, green beans, mushrooms, asparagus… But a cure of chromium can prove to be more effective: to take during 1 or 2 months minimum to see decrease the cravings for sugar and to observe an evolution of its weight.

  • Apples to calm cravings

It is undoubtedly the most popular natural appetite suppressant. His secret? Ihas pectin it contains! This derivative of glucose is a mucilaginous substance – that is to say that it swells on contact with water to take on a gelatinous appearance, like chia seeds, basil seeds or psyllium -, like certain algae , which gives it a very powerful satiating power. Once ingested, the apple pectin will swell in the stomach and cause a feeling of satiety. This is not the only asset of the apple which also contains dietary fiber – allies of a flat stomach -, antioxidants and few calories! With so many advantages, we better understand the existence of a mono diet around the apple.

The popularity of Konjac in slimming diets is not new! The Konjac that we consume in the form of vermicelli comes from the root of the plant Amorphophallus Konjac reduced to powder. The main interest of this nutritional ally is linked to its glucomannan content, a component capable of multiplying its volume by 20 in contact with water, in the stomach, which gives Konjac a very high satiating potential! This also makes Konjac one of the most popular natural appetite suppressants for weight loss diets.

  • Controversial slimming ally garcinia

Still little known, garcinia is a tree or shrub (one of whose species bears the mangosteen) prized in food supplements. It owes its popularity to the hydroxycitric acid it contains, which is said to help reduce appetite and calm sugar cravings.2. By reducing the production and storage of fat, garcinia has quickly become a major slimming ally… but in traditional and Ayurvedic medicine, it is also appreciated to fight once morest constipation, intestinal parasites, rheumatism… France, since 2012, the National Agency for the Safety of Health Products (ANSM) has decided to ban “the integration of Garcinia in mixtures with other chemical components or additives in weight-loss preparations, but authorizes its sale alone or with other natural ingredients”. In question ? Studies conducted since the 1960s whose results were not deemed conclusive or whose study conditions were not acceptable…

Natural appetite suppressant: tips that work

  • The best appetite suppressant essential oils

Our slimming allies? Ceylon cinnamon and clove essential oils! Just by inhaling them, their powerful smell tricks the brain and gives a feeling of satiety. We are talking regarding olfactory persuasion! A desire to snack arises? We pour 1 drop of one of these essential oils on a neutral tablet and let it melt under the tongue. Otherwise, you can also immerse your nose in a handkerchief soaked in 1 or 2 drops of HE. Please note, these oils are prohibited for pregnant women.

  • How working on your breathing can help avoid snacking

It is often stress (at work, for example) that leads to snacking! The next time an urgent file makes us want to throw ourselves on a stack of cakes, we adopt the “anti-craving” breathing : we inhale for 6 counts, then we exhale for 6 counts, 6 times in a row, breathing fully with the rib cage. This method, called “heart coherence”, helps slow the heart rate and better control your emotions. Once calmed down, the urge to crack on a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar is already much less strong.

  • What if a gourmet thought might calm the appetite?

Want chocolate? Good news: we now have the right to make an orgy of it… in our head! Researchers in psychology from Carnegie Mellon University, in Pennsylvania (USA), have proven that just thinking regarding what you want to eat has a satiating effect3. Frustrating? Not even. The scientists asked 25 college students to imagine they were munching on M&Ms. The volunteers were then given an entire bowl of it which they might dip into as they pleased. Result: those who had eaten the most chocolate candy in their head ate less in reality. According to another study conducted by the University of Birmingham, remembering in detail your last meal would also cause a feeling of satiety.

  • Brushing your teeth, an excellent appetite suppressant

No question of swallowing toothpaste, fortunately! But it’s still worth a try. A study from the University of Tokyo comparing the habits of overweight people with those of thinner people concluded that those who brush their teeth following each meal keep the line more easily. The explanation? Brushing is a kind of ritual that marks the end of the meal. It sends the message to the brain that food intake is over : no more continuous nibbling. And then a good smell of mint in the mouth, it’s radical enough to create a diversion with the object of the offense (the famous Paris-Brest). It remains to provide a small toothbrush-toothpaste kit, to take everywhere with you.

  • Chewing food, the right reflex to fight cravings

It’s proven, a meal swallowed slowly and calmly takes longer than the same meal swallowed in 10 minutes because chewing sends a signal of satiety to the brain. On the other hand, in addition to promoting bloating, chewing gum all day long tends to disturb these signals.

1. Marth and al, Short-Term Effect of Eggs on Satiety in Overweight and Obese Subjects. J Am Coll Nutr December 2005.

2. The results put forward should be taken with a grain of salt, indicating that hydroxycitric acid (HCA) inhibits the action of an enzyme essential for the synthesis of fats which have been carried out in vitro and in animals. Jena BS, Jayaprakasha GK, et al. Chemistry and biochemistry of (-)-hydroxycitric acid from Garcinia.J Agric Food Chem. 2002 Jan 2;50(1):10-22.

3. Thought for Food: Imagined Consumption Reduces Actual Consumption Carey K. Morewedge , Young Eun Huh and Joachim Vosgerau.

#natural #effective #appetite #suppressant #tips



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