“10 million for lawsuit”. Now Prince Andrew is taking Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre to court.

Prince Andrew settled out of court last year with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who accused him of sexual abuse. Now he is said to be planning to file a lawsuit against her.

Prince Andrew does not want to let the allegations of abuse against him rest. how «The Sun» reported that he is to prepare a civil lawsuit in the USA. The goal: to bring his alleged victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre to justice.

The American was in the clutches of convicted criminal Jeffrey Epstein and his for several years Accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison in June 2020.

Through Maxwell, Roberts Giuffre met Andrew, a demonstrably close friend of the two, who is said to have abused her several times afterwards.

Money from Queen Elizabeth II

Andrew has always denied this allegation – and now wants to clear his name in court.

He is said to have set aside 10 million pounds (about 11.4 million francs) to file a counterclaim. He is said to have inherited the money for this from his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who left him “several millions”.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre withdrew her own lawsuit, after the two had settled out of court. According to media reports, the prince paid the American an amount in the millions. The insider said: “Andrew has been pressured into settling the lawsuit against him so it doesn’t overshadow the Queen’s Jubilee. He paid a high price, privately and in his professional life.”

At the heart of Roberts Giuffre’s allegations is a photo that shows her as a 17-year-old with Andrew, who put his arm around her waist. In the background of the photo: Convicted trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. The picture is said to have been taken in her apartment.

But it was faked, according to Andrew, who insists he never met Roberts Giuffre. He now wants to prove that with his renewed lawsuit. His brother, King Charles III, is said to support the renewed lawsuit.

He also receives support from his former confidant. In her first interview from prison, out Monday night, Ghislaine Maxwell says she doesn’t recall Andrew and his alleged victim ever meeting. They also believe that the photo is a fake.

Is Maxwell telling the truth?

However, it is questionable whether Maxwell is a trustworthy source. She is currently serving a 20-year sentence for her actions in connection with Andrew’s friend Epstein. If the photo were genuine, it would limit her chances of an appeal.

Also, according to leading experts in the field of fake photos, there is no evidence that the image is fake. For example, Hany Farid, a professor at the renowned Berkeley University, examined the photo. His area of ​​expertise: digital forensics and image analysis. According to his assessment, clues such as light, shadow and the positions of the people indicate that it is not a fake.

It remains to be seen how much success Andrew will have with his counterclaim and whether he actually dares to take the drastic step.

A video and its story: 60 years ago – Prince Charles’ first time on skis

On January 11, 1963, Charles got serious. Accompanied by dozens of reporters, the royal offspring strapped on skis for the first time. The beginning of a great passion.


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