10 inconspicuous signs that your kidneys are in danger

06:00 pm

Saturday 13 August 2022

I wrote – Asma Morsi

Most kidney diseases can develop without any warning signs of problems, which may delay the diagnosis of a chronic disease.

Various problems related to the kidneys affect regarding 14% of adult humans and lead to serious complications, such as disorders of the cardiovascular system and frequent bone fractures, which is why it is so important to discover that the kidneys are not working properly.

Here is a list of the signs that your kidneys are not working properly, according to the Bright Site website.

1. Changes in urination

Your kidneys are responsible for producing urine and eliminating waste, so changes in the smell, color and appearance of urine should not be ignored. Common types of changes include:

Increased need to urinate, especially at night.

Seeing blood in it, as healthy kidneys filter blood from waste products to produce urine.

Foamy urine, and bubbles in the urine, especially those that require you to flush several times to disappear, indicate the presence of unwanted protein in the urine.

2. High blood pressure

The kidneys contain small nephrons that filter waste and extra fluid from the blood. If the blood vessels are damaged, the nephrons that filter the blood do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, which is why high blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure.

Therefore, learn how to manage high blood pressure to avoid kidney failure, in addition to eating foods rich in folic acid.

3. Puffy eyes

One of the early signs, as puffiness around the eyes can be explained by your kidneys leaking a large amount of protein in the urine instead of retaining it and distributing it throughout the body.

So, if you’re sure that your body is getting enough rest and protein, but you’re still noticing puffiness around your eyes, you should see a doctor right away.

4. Back pain

They are usually deep and are located directly below the rib cage, and can be felt in the front of the thigh. The cause of back and leg pain may be kidney cysts, which are large fluid-filled sacs that form on the gallbladder, which are the result of polycystic kidney disease.

The pain caused by kidney failure is also accompanied by nausea, vomiting, high body temperature, and frequent urination.

5. Swelling in the ankles, feet and hands

Kidneys that are not working properly do not remove any excess fluid from the body, and this leads to sodium retention, which causes swollen ankles, feet and hands.

Sometimes, taking medications, reducing salt, and removing excess fluid in the body can stop the swelling.

6. Shortness of breath

The relationship between kidney disease and shortness of breath, especially following a little effort, is caused by two factors. First, excess fluid in the body travels to the lungs when the kidneys are not working properly. Second, anemia deprives your body of oxygen and this leads to shortness of breath. .

7. Bad breath

Bad breath may be a sign that there are too many toxins in your bloodstream, and you may stop craving meat and generally lose your appetite, which can lead to unhealthy weight loss.

8. Having dry and itchy skin

Healthy kidneys do a tremendous job by removing waste and extra fluid from the blood, helping produce red blood cells, and maintaining the right amount of minerals in the body.

Itchy and dry skin indicate a failure of the kidneys to maintain the proper balance of minerals and nutrients that can lead to bone and kidney disease.

And if your skin is dry and itchy, try to keep it moisturized, so before taking any medication for itching, check with your doctor.

9. Headache, fatigue and general weakness

Properly functioning healthy kidneys convert vitamin D in our bodies to maintain strong bones and to produce a hormone called Erythropoietin (EPO).

This hormone plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. When your kidneys aren’t working properly, they produce less EPO. A decrease in red blood cells (those that carry oxygen) quickly tires your muscles and brain.

10. Sleep problems

When the kidneys are not working properly, this means that toxins cannot leave the body through urine and remain in the blood. An increased level of toxins makes it difficult to sleep. That is why when you get less sleep, you increase the chances of kidney function deteriorating.

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