10 health warning signs due to lack of fiber

Live healthy every day: What is fiber?

Vegetables and fruits are a rich source of fiber for the body. Photo: Unsplash

Fiber is an important nutrient, essential for health including digestive health, weight control, blood sugar control and heart health.

Fiber comes in two main types: soluble and insoluble, each providing distinct health benefits.

Soluble fiber, found in foods such as oats, beans and fruit, dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance. This type of fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar by slowing digestion and nutrient absorption.

In contrast, insoluble fiber found in whole grains, nuts and vegetables does not dissolve in water. Instead, it adds bulk to the stool and helps support regular bowel movements to prevent constipation. Insoluble fiber also provides a feeling of fullness, which can help with weight control. A balanced intake of soluble and insoluble fiber is essential for good digestion and overall health.

Live healthy every day: According to Eatthis, below are 10 warning signs that you are not eating enough fiber on Tet

1. Drowsiness after meals

Research shows that fiber can prevent energy crashes by keeping blood sugar levels balanced. Therefore, if you feel tired and lethargic after a meal, it may be because you are not getting enough fiber.

Sports nutritionist, Moody (USA) explains: “A meal rich in fiber slows down the digestion of food, which means that glucose from food will enter the blood more slowly. This prevents prevents blood sugar spikes. Blood sugar spikes accompanied by drops in blood sugar often result in blood sugar levels that are lower than before you eat. If you feel the need to take a nap frequently after high-carb meal, it could be because you didn’t eat enough fiber”

2. Struggling with constipation

Fiber adds bulk to the stool and aids in smooth bowel movements. Increasing your fiber intake through fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains… is a health changer if you are struggling with constipation.

“One study found that 77% of people dealing with constipation felt relief when they ate more fiber,” says Moody. “Insoluble fiber, like the type found in fruits and vegetables , acts like a brush for the digestive system as it moves along the intestinal wall and keeps intestinal contents moving.

This helps prevent digested food from getting stuck and causing constipation. Drink enough water if you suddenly increase your fiber intake, as the lack of water to transport fiber through the digestive tract can have the opposite effect and make constipation worse.

3. Have diarrhea or loose stools

On the other hand, suddenly increasing fiber without providing enough water can lead to diarrhea. That’s why balancing fiber intake with water intake is important to keep your digestive system working properly.

“Not having enough fiber can also cause you to have bowel movements in the opposite direction because fiber can add bulk to the stool. This is especially true for soluble fiber, which can absorb liquid in the intestines to form a gel-like substance. Since diarrhea is often caused by too much water in the digestive tract, having soluble fiber in the intestines to absorb this excess fluid can help prevent loose stools.

4. Can’t satisfy your hunger

Some studies have found that fiber can increase feelings of fullness and prevent overeating by adding bulk to meals. However, feeling constantly hungry may signal you need to incorporate more fiber-rich foods into your diet.

“When you eat a high-fiber meal, your stomach empties more slowly because the fiber is broken down slowly,” Moody explains. “Fiber also expands as it absorbs water in the intestines. Both of these functions are This is why if you swap white rice for the same amount of brown rice, even though the calorie count and serving size are similar, you will likely feel fuller when eating brown rice. “.

5.Cholesterol LDL cao

If your LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol is high, it means you need more fiber. According to a 2019 study, high LDL cholesterol levels are associated with a low-fiber diet.

“Although the impact of fiber on cholesterol is modest, it has a positive impact compared to people who consume less fiber. By combining soluble fiber like oats with other lifestyle changes Like exercise, adding soluble fiber like oats to the diet will have a better effect. This conclusion has been shown to help reduce LDL cholesterol,” Moody said.

6. You feel slower

Fiber-rich foods provide a steady release of energy, help reduce fatigue and keep you full. Most of the fiber in our diet comes from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. These foods also contain antioxidants that you can’t find in meat and dairy. Fiber intake is great, but antioxidants in fiber-containing foods also fight chronic inflammation in the body.

That’s also why people who suddenly start eating more fruits and vegetables report feeling better. So if you’re feeling tired try eating more fiber-rich foods.”

7. Gaining weight without understanding the reason

Research shows that low fiber intake is linked to being overweight. That’s because high-fiber foods are typically fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, which are lower in calories than meat and dairy. Eating foods rich in fiber can help you lose weight by filling you up without consuming too many calories.

“If you’re constantly experiencing drops in blood sugar due to a lack of fiber to slow digestion, you may find yourself snacking more without even realizing it,” says Moody.

This can secretly cause overconsumption of calories, leading to weight gain. This is especially true if you exercise regularly, as exercise can increase hunger, leading to an unusual increase in appetite due to being more active and not due to a lack of fiber.”

8. Bloating

“When gut health is poor, bad bacteria can ferment in the intestines and create gas that causes bloating and stomach discomfort. This is where fiber comes in. Many types of fiber can work,” explains Moody. acts as a prebiotic, a type of fiber that acts as food for beneficial bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics are great for gut health because this “food” for the microflora allows the body to thrive. When bacteria Good bacteria grow and multiply, thereby improving intestinal health.”

9. You are lacking some vitamins

A low-fiber diet indicates that the body is not absorbing enough essential vitamins found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. “Many fiber-containing foods are rich in important nutrients. For example, sweet potatoes and carrots are high in vitamin A, while oats and spinach are high in magnesium. If you have a poor diet, nutrients and without eating enough of these foods, the body will not receive enough vitamins and minerals,” Moody said.

10. Have hemorrhoids

According to a 2021 study, fiber adds bulk to stools, which improves mobility and reduces the risk of hemorrhoids.

Moody warns: “‌‌You can get hemorrhoids if you don’t consume enough fiber. Hard stools make bowel movements more difficult, which can cause straining when going to the bathroom, which in turn causes hemorrhoids. Insoluble fiber such as that found in fruits and non-starchy vegetables softens stools and prevents constipation.

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