10 Foods to Nourish and Strengthen Your Liver for Optimal Health

2023-10-27 08:28:51

“liver” An organ in the body that is very important, responsible for controlling the use of various nutrients to meet the body’s needs, such as controlling fat nutrients. Regulates glucose and protein Controls bile for use in digesting fats, etc., as well as being a storage area for various vitamins and minerals in the body. It also has a very important function, which is eliminating toxins in the body.

Although the liver is responsible for eliminating toxins in the body It doesn’t mean that we can bring as many toxins into the body as we want becauseIf the liver has been exposed to toxins for a long time or received in excessive amounts The liver will be destroyed. Resulting in diseases that are dangerous to the body. Such as hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cancer, etc.

Therefore today we are going to introduce 10 foods that nourish the liver Helps keep the liver healthy and away from disease. Gather liver-nourishing foods that will help keep our liver healthy, safe, and far from disease. Because of course When our liver health is good Our physical health will be good as well. Hurry and take a look at what foods are available to nourish and strengthen the liver!

10 foods that nourish the liver Helps keep the liver healthy and away from disease.

all kinds of meat

Meat contains complete amino acids and proteins that are beneficial to the liver. Including fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, which will help reduce inflammation and help improve liver values. You should choose to consume meat that is cooked, fresh, and clean. Avoid half-cooked or raw meat, which can have a negative effect on the liver.


Carbohydrates from grains are considered good liver nourishing foods, such as almonds, kidney beans, mung beans, sunflower seeds, brown rice, and riceberries. which in addition to helping reduce inflammation And helps the liver to be less damaged. These grains also help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Reduce the risk of fatty liver It is recommended to choose freshly roasted or baked beans. Avoid beans that have a rancid odor. and eat in the right amount

High MUFA oil

High MUFA oils or oils in the unsaturated fat group such as rice bran oil, olive oil, and canola oil. These oils help in reducing bad fats (LDL) and increasing good fats (HDL) that will help eliminate bad fats from the body. Helps reduce the occurrence of fatty liver. It also helps reduce insulin resistance. Helps the liver work better.

Black coffee or hot tea

Because coffee contains caffeine. This can help slow the buildup of liver fibrosis in people with chronic hepatitis. which will lead to liver cirrhosis You should drink black coffee without added sugar or sweeteners. It will help the liver work better. and helps reduce the risk of liver disease

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Vegetables that are beneficial to the body such as cabbage are also considered to be liver nourishing foods. The cabbage helps increase glutathione in the body. Helps flush out toxins and nourishes the liver. In addition, cabbage also contains sufficient amounts of fiber to meet the body’s needs.


Vegetables that are known as miniature trees Contains detoxification enzymes that help eliminate toxins in the body Including helping to reduce damaged liver cells. Helps improve liver values Broccoli also has fiber that helps the digestive system work better. It also has vitamins that are good for the body.


Another type of vegetable that is classified as liver-nourishing food. Carrots contain various vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, and vitamin K. There are also folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, and iron. They help nourish the liver as well as nourish the blood. It also helps relieve indigestion as well.


Whether it’s grapes, grape seeds, or products from grapes that are extracted as medicine. It can be consumed as a liver nourishing food. Grapes will help prevent the deterioration of liver cells. Including adding antioxidants or anti-oxidants. Helps reduce the risk of getting cancer. Reduce the risk of fatty liver Relieve symptoms of hepatitis The liver will work better. But since grapes are a fruit high in sugar, they should be eaten in appropriate amounts.


Another liver-nourishing food is berries. Berries contain the antioxidant anthocyanin, which is a substance that helps reduce fat accumulation in the liver. It can also reduce liver inflammation. It also helps stimulate the body’s immune system.

Fruits that are high in vitamin C

Various fruits that are high in vitamin C Whether it is kiwi, orange, papaya, puree, etc., they all have the effect of reducing inflammation. It also helps our liver work better. Reduce the risk of liver disease Helps make the liver strong and healthy.

Thank you for the information and pictures from

bangpakok3.com, thainakarin.co.th, medparkhospital.com, freepik.com

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