10 foods to lower blood pressure

The blood pressure It is an extremely important indicator to measure a person’s health. It appeals to the force that the blood flow exerts on the arterial walls when it is sent from the heart and the noble function of distributing blood to all the organs of the body depends on it.

Therefore, it is vital to monitor the blood pressure levels and corroborate that the distribution of blood, with oxygen and nutrients is being carried out correctly. If we are not in normal indices, we fall into the risk of suffering diseases related to the heart and the brain, such as a heart attack or a stroke.

There are many factors that influence high blood pressure. A lot of stress, little sport, harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco and even genetics. But food plays a fundamental role. A healthy and balanced diet is key to keeping stress under control.

To begin with, salt, sugar, and ultra-processed foods are great enemies of high blood pressure. Reducing sodium intake is the first step to regulate these levels, while it is convenient to increase the intake of other very beneficial foods to lower blood pressure.

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extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is popularly known as liquid gold for its multiple health benefits. Among them, it contains abundant antioxidants and vitamin E. In addition, it is rich in polyphenols, with anti-inflammatory properties.

rolled garlic



Garlic has the power to act as a vasodilator of arteries and capillaries. It is also antibacterial and antifungal.

artichoke dish



Potassium is a great ally when it comes to reducing blood pressure and artichokes are an excellent source of it. And they are very diuretic, excellent for promoting the elimination of liquids.




Thanks to its excellent diuretic function, it reduces the volume of blood in the arteries and favors the purification of the organism.

bowl with blueberries



The intake of blueberries lowers blood pressure and improves the function of blood vessels.

cinnamon stick


Lower leg

Cinnamon fights blood sugar levels, thus favoring the cardiovascular system. It contains many antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory.




A food with anti-inflammatory properties and very effective against hypertension. Specifically, it contains quercetin, a flavonoid that lowers blood pressure.




They are excellent sources of protein, fiber and healthy fats. As a consequence, they improve cardiovascular health. Especially beneficial in this regard are walnuts, which harden the blood vessels and strengthen the heart rate.




They are springs of fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins and even potassium. Thanks to this, they lower blood pressure and are fantastic for health.




Bananas are the banner of potassium. Thanks to their high content of this mineral, they eliminate excess sodium present in the body and help reduce hypertension.

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