2023-11-05 18:00:19
Beauty and youth are something that will never go out of fashion. Most women, wanting to preserve or regain youth, are ready to make many sacrifices. Painful and expensive procedures, surgical interventions with a long recovery period do not scare away women with a strong desire to achieve their goal.
Such methods, of course, lead to an immediate effect, however, they may not be long-term or may not lead to quite the effect that was expected. Regardless of whether you have resorted to this method of preserving youth or not, there are important rules that every woman at any age must follow. Our appearance directly depends on our health. Therefore, it is much more important what we do for the body to support it from the inside.
Do you agree that if you get enough sleep, you look better and fresher? Therefore, let’s look at 10 important habits for health, and therefore beauty and youth!
1. Get enough sleep
A simple and well-known rule. But tell me, do you always adhere to this rule? In addition, in order to get enough sleep, you need to not only sleep 7-8 hours, but also fall asleep before a certain time. It is unlikely that you will really get enough sleep, and your body will be able to recover if you regularly go to bed at 2 am and get up at 10-11 am.
The fact is that during sleep, our body produces the hormone melatonin, which is an antioxidant and contributes to the normal functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system.
However, melatonin is produced from approximately 22:30 to 01:00 and in complete darkness. If you are late, you will miss a dose of an important hormone. Therefore, the best time to go to bed is before 23:00, and thus by 6-7 in the morning you will already have a good night’s sleep.
2. Drink more water
It is difficult to list all the advantages of water: it promotes weight loss, has a beneficial effect on the quality of skin and hair, supplies the body with energy, etc. Doctors recommend drinking 30 ml of water per kg of weight per day. It is advisable to drink warm water, the temperature of which corresponds to our body temperature.
3. Play sports
During exercise, the body produces endorphins, so we feel happy and full of energy despite physical fatigue. Of course, thanks to sports, our muscles tighten, the quality of our skin improves, and we look young and beautiful. The most important thing is to find a sport that you like – strength training in the gym or functional training, someone is closer to Pilates and yoga, perhaps you will choose water aerobics or swimming, and even walking is considered a sport.
4. No stress
It is almost impossible to completely get rid of stress in the modern world, but it is important to remember that stress leads to the occurrence of most diseases and aging of the skin. Try to avoid stressful situations. If you find yourself in such a situation, react as less emotionally as possible. And don’t forget to relax regularly – for example, take a warm bath or read a book, or just be alone with yourself in silence.
5. Ask correctly
Of course, what we eat is very important for health. Proper nutrition has even come to be called anti-age nutrition, since thanks to special dietary rules, we prolong our youth. This means reducing your intake of sugar and salt, eating less fried food. Fiber, proteins and healthy fats are what should always be in our diet.
6. Use sunscreen all year round
The sun saturates our body with vitamin D, however, it is very dangerous for our skin. Jennifer Lopez, when asked regarding the secrets of her youth, admitted that she has been avoiding tanning for many years, using sunscreen and hiding her skin under fabric and hat brims. And for beauty, the star uses self-tanning. Yes, the sun deprives us of beauty and even health almost all year round, so it is better to always use sunscreen and do not forget regarding the skin of your neck.
7. Monitor women’s health
Prolonging youth directly depends on the reproductive system of the body, therefore, in order to help the body in time with any problems that may not make themselves felt for a long time, it is necessary to regularly, namely once every six months, undergo a control examination with a gynecologist and mammologist .
8. Quit bad habits
Smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol are called bad habits, as they are harmful to our health and beauty. But such habits also include excessive consumption of coffee and tea.
9. Plan your vacation
To truly relax and fill up with energy, it’s not enough to lie on the couch for an hour or two. To have a good rest, you need to plan it in advance. Rest is time spent doing something pleasant for you and possibly with a change of environment. Then the body begins to produce dopamine. A decrease in dopamine in the body leads to aging. Wikipedia says: “Clinical manifestations of these changes are impoverishment of facial expressions, some general slowness, a hunched senile posture, and shortening of step length.”
10. Take vitamins
Often, when the cause of problems with skin, hair or nails is unclear, the solution lies in vitamins, or rather in their lack. The vitamin complex is individual. You need to consult with a specialist and take tests to understand what your deficiency is.
Gradually introduce these habits into your life and enjoy beauty and youth.
#habits #beauty #youth #avoid