10 Bad Eating Habits to Avoid for a Healthy and Fit Body

2023-08-22 19:36:03

Experts advise the need to be aware and focus when eating and not to be distracted by following social networking sites or news platforms on the smartphone or watching TV while eating a snack.

Experts have identified a number of bad habits that must be avoided when eating in order to avoid suffering from the accumulation of belly fat, or what is known as “rumen”, according to what was published by WebMed:
1- The speed of eating food
It takes regarding 20 minutes for the brain to receive the message from the stomach that it is full.

If a person devours food very quickly, he will continue to eat quantities beyond the point that the body needs, which means consuming more calories and gaining more kilograms.

2- Lack of sleep
The results of one study reported that adults under the age of 40 who slept less than 5 hours per night gained more belly fat than those who got more hours of quality sleep.

3 – late meals
Give your digestive system time to digest and burn the calories in dinner by eating it earlier in the evening.
The later the dinner time, the fewer hours the body needs to consume its calorie content.

4- Eat white bread
The refined grains in white bread and other processed foods are stripped of slow-digesting fiber, so the body digests them faster, which raises blood sugar.

Over time, eating white bread can lead to weight gain.

5- Drink diet soda
Some people may think that replacing a full-sugar soda with the diet version will keep their calorie count down and thus limit weight gain.

But scientists say that’s not true at all, as aspartame, the artificial sweetener in many diet sodas, actually increases belly fat.
6- Missing meals
Skipping meals, especially breakfast, increases the risk of obesity by 4 and a half times.

Skipping breakfast also slows down the metabolism, making it more likely to overeat later when a person is hungry.

7- Eat “low-fat” foods

It’s a good idea to watch your fat intake, but foods that are free of fat and sugar can be high in carbohydrates.

High-carbohydrate foods can raise triglycerides, insulin sensitivity and waist fat.
8 – Smoking
Smoking is indeed horribly harmful to health, but one of the many bad effects of smoking is that it affects the stomach.

And the more belly fat, the more harmful effects it has.
9- Eat in a large plate
Placing food on a smaller plate (and using smaller utensils) can trick the mind into thinking that the person is eating more than they actually are. If a person eats on a huge plate, they are likely to eat more than they need.

10 – Lack of physical activity
Physical activity is the key to health and it is a scientifically proven fact. A person should aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity movement each day.

11 – stress and constant pressure
Stress causes a hormone called cortisol to be released in the body. High levels of cortisol can lead to weight gain, especially the visceral fat that surrounds the digestive organs in the abdomen.

#worst #habits #lead #appearance #rumen.



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