1-He kills his father on the day of his mother’s funeral

It is a scandal that shakes the commune of Abobo: This is how a Terminale student killed his father during his mother’s funeral

The student in Terminale AM ​​committed a parricide on April 14, according to Soir Info. Here are the facts…

A student in Terminale class in a school located in a town in western Côte d’Ivoire, AM requests permission in April 2022 to come and attend the funeral of his mother, which was held on April 17, 2022 (Easter Day). ) to Belleville, a district of the commune of Abobo in Abidjan.

Struggling dad doesn’t want to be bullied by his angry son

Everything was going well when suddenly, around 9 p.m., scuffles broke out between AM and Abdoulaye Sherif, his father. The child would blame his father for being the cause of his mother’s disappearance. “The latter (the father, editor’s note), affected by the death of his former companion, does not want to be dictated by his son, he was upset. Unfortunately, this hot discussion leads to a confrontation. Father and son are fighting over the body. The Terminal student mistreats his father who is almost at the end of his strength, ”says Soir Info.

The child is unimpressed and decides to stab his father

The child, seeing his parent in distress, did not have the presence of mind to stop, he instead continued his task to complete it. Parents who made the trip to mourn the deceased and console the father and his son, rush to try to separate them. The child does not allow himself to be impressed and decides to carry the blow to his father. He completes his work by grabbing a rfollowing like a club.

The father, unable to defend himself, received several blows. The pupil, who cannot restrain himself, gives a violent blow to the face and opens the forehead of his parent. In blood, it collapses” says Soir Info.

Abdoulaye Sherif passes from life to death

The body evacuated by the funeral services

After his fall, he dies on the spot. Student AM realizes his crime and decides to run away. The crowd follows and catches up with him. Some relatives of Abdoulaye Sherif who were on the heels of their nephew decide to lynch him so that he suffers the same fate as their brother. The AM student will be rescued by people of good will who took him to the Abobo Regional Hospital Center to receive treatment because he was seriously injured.

The police monitor the Chr

“The police having been informed, dispatched elements on the spot in the regional hospital center, for a surveillance and to prevent these rioters from joining the one who comes from…Read more here

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