1 Drink to fight cancer and strengthen the brain! Dietitian exposed soybean and barley 1 practice: preventing sarcopenia and improving protein utilization | barley efficacy | barley nutrition | soybean efficacy | health 2.0

Anti-cancer must drink “Soybean Barley Vitality Drink”! Dietitian Chen Guanrong said that “whole grains and roots,” “vegetables,” and “fruits” are rich in phytochemicals and dietary fiber, which can help improve gastrointestinal health and resist inflammation. It can also improve the utilization of protein and prevent sarcopenia. Therefore, regular intake of foods rich in phytochemicals and dietary fiber in the diet can enhance immunity and increase anti-cancer benefits!

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Soybean Barley Vitality Drink boosts immunity and makes the brain more flexible

Chen Guanrong explained that commercially available soy milk will filter out the dregs and taste better, but it will greatly reduce fiber and anti-inflammatory nutrients, which is actually quite a pity. It is recommended that people make “Soybean Barley Vitality Drink” at home, and make soybeans, barley seeds, bananas, nuts, milk and other ingredients together. In addition to improving immunity, it can also make the brain more flexible.

“Whole Soybeans” do not filter residue, have high nutritional value, and have zero cholesterol. They also contain soy isoflavones, lecithin, calcium, vitamin B group, fiber, tryptophan, etc. Chen Guanrong added that taking more soybeans is very helpful for children’s development, brain health, emotional stability, and immunity! Lecithin is an important material for brain cell membranes, which can be metabolized into an important brain neurotransmitter “acetylcholine”. Therefore, taking more soybeans can make the brain more flexible and clearer!

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“Barley Soybean Vitality Drink” Recipe: There are five types of food that are balanced and nutritious

1. Beans: steamed soybeans 45g.

2. Whole grains: steamed red coix seed 30g.

3. Fruits: banana 70g (about 1/2).

4. Nuts: Cashews 10g.

5. Milk: 200cc of low-fat milk (if it is made into a cold drink, it can also be replaced with sugar-free yogurt).

Method: Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.

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Soybeans and Whole Grains Intake Improves Protein Utilization

Chen Guanrong pointed out that in the “Barley Soybean Vitality Drink”, soybeans are rich in lysine and isoleucine, but less in methionine and tryptophan, while whole grains are rich in methionine and tryptophan. Therefore, it is recommended to ingest soybeans and whole grains together to make soymilk to complement amino acids and improve protein utilization.

In addition, coix seed is a whole grain, rich in vitamin B1, which plays an important role in the energy conversion process, which can help people to be energetic and not easy to get tired. Low-fat milk contains calcium, which can stabilize nerves and help release neurotransmitters. Bananas and cashews are rich in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is a key nutrient for synthesizing many neurotransmitters, which can produce pleasant emotions, improve concentration and memory.

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◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock
◎ Source/Chen Guanrong nutritionist

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1 Drink to fight cancer and strengthen the brain!Dietitian exposed soybean and barley 1 practice: prevent sarcopenia and improve protein utilization

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