🧬 Beware of these diets that cause so much harm

2024-03-03 07:00:05

Recent research highlights the deleterious psychological and interpersonal consequences of the “yo-yo dieting” phenomenon. This cycle of weight loss and regain, well ingrained in fast diet culture and fad eating plans, reveals effects far more harmful than a simple fluctuation in weight (Weight is the force of gravity, of gravitational and inertial origin, exerted by…).

Image d’illustration Pixabay

The study, carried out by researchers from theCarolina State University Nord (North is a cardinal point, opposite south.)explored the experiences of 36 adults who experienced this cycle of weight change, losing and regaining more than 5 kilograms (The kilogram (symbol kg) is the unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI).). Far from being motivated by reasons of health (Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and does not consist…)these individuals started diets mainly under the pression (Pressure is a fundamental physical concept. It can be seen as a reported force…) social, influenced by the beauty standards conveyed by celebrities and their entourage.

The weight loss strategies adopted by participants led to initial weight loss, followed by inevitable regain. This weight gain often created a feeling of shame in them and an internalization of weight-related stigma, exacerbating their discomfort. Many participants reported falling into disordered eating behaviors, such as compulsive snacking or severe calorie restriction, leading to an obsession with their weight and diverting their attention from valuable time with family or friends.

This vicious circle, described by some as a addiction (Addiction is, in the phenomenological sense, a behavior based on a desire…), shows how difficult it is to escape from these toxic thought patterns and societal expectations. However, those who managed to break away from these behaviors adopted an approach focused on health rather than weight, favoring a varied diet andphysical exercise (Physical exercise is a physical activity practiced in principle…) for pleasure.

This research highlights the importance of questioning Culture (The Culture is a pan-galactic civilization invented by Iain M. Banks through his…) diet and promote healthy eating behaviors, freed from the constraints of surveillance and control (The word control can have several meanings. It can be used as a synonym for examination,…). She calls for collective awareness of the dangers of the yo-yo diet, inviting us to favor the well-being (Well-being or well-being is a state that concerns health, pleasure, etc.) and overall health on ephemeral aesthetic standards.

#Beware #diets #harm



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