๐Ÿš€ China to experiment with terrestrial ecosystem on the Moon

2024-02-19 12:00:05

As part of its ambitious lunar projects, China plans to launch the Chang’e 8 mission, which will aim to place a small ecosystem on the Moon as well as other payloads intended to test the use of lunar resources. This initiative is part of the preparation for the construction of a base lunar (For namesakes, see Pierrot Lunar, a work of vocal music by Arnold Schรถnberg.) international, planned for the 2030s, in collaboration with various Chinese partners.

Artist’s impression of a lunar base.

The Chang’e 8 mission will focus on testing key technologies needed to make this future base sustainable. Among the planned experiments, one of the most notable is that of In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU), which will consist of melting lunar soil using solar energy and then manufacturing components, such as bricks, intended for the construction of structures by robots.

In parallel, a terrestrial ecosystem experiment will be conducted, including plants and microorganisms in a controlled and sealed environment. This experiment aims to explore the viability of biological use of lunar soil resources and their potential to support life support technologies, such as the production of food andoxygen (Oxygen is a chemical element from the chalcogen family,…)essential for an inhabited lunar base.

In addition to these two major experiments, Chang’e 8 will also carry a range of scientific instruments intended for observing the Earth and surrounding space. Among them, a Moon-based radiometer and a multispectral imager for Earth observation, which will collect data (In information technology (IT), data is an elementary description, often…) on the earth’s climate and its interaction (An interaction is an exchange of information, affects or energy between two agents within…) with the solar wind (The solar wind is a flow of plasma consisting essentially of ions and electrons which are…). Other instruments, such as a detector (A detector is a technical device (instrument, substance, material) that changes…) of electromagnetic field (An electromagnetic field is the representation in space of the force…) at low frequency (In physics, frequency generally refers to the measurement of the number of times a…) and one telescope (A telescope, (from the Greek tele meaning “far” and skopein meaning…) soft X-rays, will provide valuable data on the composition of lunar regolith and the history of lunar impacts.

The Chang’e 8 mission, planned not to take off until 2028, is part of a series of Chinese missions aimed at strengthening the human and robotic presence on the Moon. Before this, the Chang’e 6 mission will attempt to bring back samples from the far side of the Moon, a feat never before achieved, and Chang’e 7 will deploy a set of vehiclesexploration (Exploration is searching with the intention of discovering something unknown.) to study the surface (A surface generally refers to the surface layer of an object. The term a…) lunar in more detail.

This series of missions illustrates China’s commitment to space exploration and its desire to play a leading role in exploiting lunar resources and developing sustainable technologies for human life in space.

#China #experiment #terrestrial #ecosystem #Moon

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