???? Thunnus alalunga – Definition and Explanations

2023-11-14 07:31:37


Albacore Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subembr. Vertebrata Class Actinopterygii Order Perciformes Family Scombridae Subfamily Scombrinae Tribe Thunnini Genus Thunnus Subgenus Thunnus (Thunnus) Binominal name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binominal name, or binomial, comes from…) Thunnus alalunga
(Bonnaterre, 1788) IUCN conservation status:

DD: Insufficient data

Albacore or white tuna (Thunnus alalunga) is a species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”…) of fish (In the classical classification, fish are aquatic vertebrate animals…) of the family Scombridae. It is a fish of wide distribution (all oceans (Oceans stylized Ωceans is a French documentary produced by…), Mediterranean), very popular with fisheries.

Like all tuna species, it is in decline due to overfishing. At the beginning of 2010, it was still not protected by CITES

A food

The meat of this tuna is very prized, particularly by the Japanese market, for making sushi and sashimi, although it is preferred in this country (Country comes from the Latin pagus which designated a territorial and tribal subdivision of extent.. .) bluefin tuna (fishing of which might soon be banned or more seriously controlled).

Toxic food? Due to its position in the trophic web (The term “trophic” refers to everything relating to…), tuna is one of the commercial species which accumulates the most mercury, and increasingly ( in the form of methylmercury (Methylmercury is a generic name for a cation…) essentially) and polluting organic compounds soluble in fat or flesh. According to Ifremer analyses, total mercury varies from 0.84 to 1.45 mg/kg weight. /weight (average 1.17 mg/kg) in albacore tuna (even more than the 0.16 to 2.59 mg/kg (average 1.18 mg/kg) found in bluefin tuna (The red color responds with different definitions, depending on the chromatic system we use…) in the Mediterranean in the early 2000s).

In 78.6% of albacore tuna (and in 61.1% of bluefin tuna) the total mercury exceeds the maximum level set by the European Commission Decision (1 mg/kg by weight (Weight is the force of gravity, of gravitational and inertial origin, exerted by the…) wet). In these two species, mercury is essentially in the methylated form (the most toxic, and present in the flesh and not in the fat), with percentages 77 to 100% (average 91.3%) of methylated mercury compared to the total mercury in albacore tuna and 75 to 100% (average 91%) in bluefin tuna. The quantity of mercury ingested weekly for an average consumer far exceeds the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Ingestion Threshold (IHTP) established for both species by WHO. This mercury is particularly dangerous for pregnant women and more precisely for their fetus or embryo who are very sensitive to it. Furthermore, the part most prized by the Japanese is not the ventral part which is used in slices of sashimi, but the flesh located directly in contact with the central edge of the fish, an extremely fatty flesh (the most likely to contain certain fat-soluble pollutants such as PAHs, PCBs, dioxins, furans, etc.). However, in mice, synergies between PCB and mercury seem to be able to aggravate the respective toxicity. of these two products/
#Thunnus #alalunga #Definition #Explanations



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