???? Girelle – Definition and Explanations

2023-10-10 06:32:21


Vernacular name or
ambiguous standardized name: The term “Girelle” applies, in French,
to several distinct taxa. Girelle a peacock wrasse (“Peacock” is an ambiguous vernacular name designating certain birds…) (Thalassoma pavo) female (In biology, female (from the Latin “femella”, small woman, young woman) is the…). Taxa concerned

In the Labridae family:

Dans les genera : Cheilio Coris Halichoeres Macropharyngodon Pseudojuloides Stethojulis Thalassoma

The term wrasse is the vernacular name given to certain small bony fish of the Labridae family (The Labridae family (Labridae) was created by Georges Cuvier…). Are included in the Acanthoptera group. Elegant in shape, with bright and shiny colors, they are abundant in the warm seas, common in the Mediterranean and are used in particular in the preparation of bouillabaisse.

Sex change

Like the grouper, the wrasse can change sex, once during its life, from female to male. . We then speak of a protogynic mode of reproduction.

This sex change occurs when there is no longer a dominant male. During the mutation phase, the wrasse seems very weakened, it loses its liveliness, shows little and can even remain buried for several days. She feeds less, if at all (The whole understood as a set of what exists is often interpreted as the world or…), and her skin (The skin is an organ composed of several layers of tissue. She plays, among other things, the…) loses its shine.


Common wreath, red (The color red has different definitions, depending on the color system we use…), Turkish. Good fishing, Monsieur le Curé? Abbot Vilbois (…) replied with pride: “Yes, yes, very good, three wolves, two moray eels and a few wrasses” (MAUPASS., Contes et nouv., t. 2, Champ (A field corresponds to a notion of ‘defined space:) d’oliv., 1890, p. 75). The bellies of wrasses strapped with ocher (Ochre, from the ancient Greek ὤχρα / ốkhra, is a ferric rock…) and azure (COLETTE, Naiss. jour (The day or the day is the interval which separates the rising of the sunset; it is the…), 1928, p. 25) The wolf and scorpion fishermen leave at dawn; much later, the rentier fishermen go out to spend a fiery day under a canvas, fishing (The peach tree (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) is a species of fruit tree in the family of…) pageots and girelles. MORAND, Extrav., 1936, p. 171. Rem. Girelle, hom., ceramic arts. cf. girer, rem. 2. Pronounced. : []. Etymol. and Hist. 1561 (DU PINET, Dioscorides (Pedanius Dioscorides (in ancient Greek…), II, 32, ed. 1605 ds GDF.). Prob. empr. from prov. girello, der. of gir “twirling”, from lat. gyrus “circle” (the body of this fish (Pisces is a constellation of the zodiac crossed by the Sun from March 12 to 18…) wears a colored ring; see BARB. jr Pisces, no 462 and FEW t. 4 , p. 359a). Bbg. ARVEILLER (R.). R. Ling. rom. 1975, t. 39, p. 210.

Alphabetical list of species called “wrasse”

As is often the case, girelle is a vernacular name used to describe several species of several genera. Be careful, sometimes the same name refers to different species depending on the geographical location.

Girelle (France) – Coris julis Girelle (Mauritius) – Halichoeres hortulanus Girelle arc-en-ciel (A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that makes visible the…) (Mauritius) – Halichoeres scapularis Girelle arc- en-ciel (Mauritius, Maldives) – Halichoeres marginatus Yellow-banded Girelle (There are (at least) five definitions of yellow that mean more or less the same…) (Mauritius) – Halichoeres pelicieri Humpbacked Girelle (Maldives) – Coris aygula Girelle commune (France) – Coris julis Girelle de Cortez (France) – Thalassoma lucasanum Girelle crepuscule (France) – Thalassoma grammaticum Girelle diamond (Diamond is a mineral composed of carbon (just like graphite and…) ([ Mauritius) – Macropharyngodon bipartitus bipartitus Checkered hornbill (Maldives) – Halichoeres hortulanus Emerald hornbill (France) – Thalassoma virens Yellow-shouldered hornbill (Mauritius) – Pseudojuloides xanthomos Hornbill wasp (Wasps are insects of the Hymenoptera order (subclass des…) (Maldives) – Thalassoma jansenii Girelle porthole (A porthole is a small window, usually circular, pierced…) (France) – Thalassoma purpureum Yellow and white Girelle (Maldives) – Halichoeres leucoxanthus Nebulous Girelle ( A nebula (from the Latin nebula, “cloud”) means, in astronomy, a…) (Maurice) – Halichoeres nebulosus Girelle de Noël (France) – Thalassoma trilobatum Red-eyed Girelle (Maurice) – Pseudojuloides erythrops Girelle paon (France) ) – Thalassoma pavo Girelle paon (Maldives) – Thalassoma lunare Girelle paon (Mauritius) – Stethojulis albovittata Girelle paon de Hardwicke (Mauritius) – Thalassoma hardwicke Girelle de Pélicier – Halichoeres pelicieri Pebbled grouse – (Mauritius) – Halichoeres lapillus Striped grouse d’or (Mauritius) – Halichoeres cosmetus Queen’s wagtail (France) – Coris formosa Royal wagtail (France) – Coris julis Tail-spotted wagtail (Maurice) – Coris caudimacula Orange-spotted wagtail (Maurice) – Coris aygula Ink-spotted wagtail (Maldives) – Thalassoma hardwicke Three-pointed tern (Mauritius) – Halichoeres trispilus Green tern (France, Djibouti – Thalassoma lunare Zigzag tern (Maldives) – Halichoeres scapularis Long tern (France, Djibouti) – Cheilio inermis
#Girelle #Definition #Explanations



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