???? Curtis Island (New Zealand) – Definition and Explanations

2023-08-02 19:34:38


Curtis Island
Curtis Island(s)
Geography Country New Zealand Archipelago Kermadec Islands Location Pacific Ocean (The Pacific Ocean, which covers an area of ​​180,000,000 km², is the largest ocean…) Coordinates Area 0.6 km2 Unnamed highest point ( 137 m) Geology (Geology, from ancient Greek γη- (gê-, “earth”) and…) ejection and…) gray Activity Unknown Last eruption unknown Code 0402-01= Observatory Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Administration New Zealand Dependency of New Zealand (New Zealand is a country in Oceania, South- Western Pacific Ocean,…) Kermadec Islands Demography (Demography (in Greek…) Population No inhabitants Other information New Zealand Islands

Curtis Island is an uninhabited volcanic island in the Kermadec archipelago, located in the southwest (The southwest is the direction halfway between the south and west cardinal points. The…) of the ocean (An ocean is often defined, in geography, as a vast expanse of water…) Pacific and forming (In the intonation, changes in fundamental frequency are perceived as variations of…) with its neighbor l Cheeseman Island a dependency of New Zealand.


View (Sight is the sense that allows one to observe and analyze the environment by receiving and…) from inside the crater (For the crater of volcanic origin, see Volcanic crater For the crater of origin…) from Curtis Island. View of Curtis Island (left) and Cheeseman Island (right) from the north (North is a cardinal point, opposite south.).


Curtis Island is located halfway between the North Island (New Zealand) and Tonga (The Kingdom of Tonga is a state in Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean, in …), approximately at the latitude (Latitude is an angular value, expression of the north-south positioning of a point on Earth…) of the Gold Coast (Gold Coast (The Gold Coast) (577,977 inhabitants) is an Australian conurbation hearing the…) in Queensland. Its highest point is 137 meters above sea level (Altitude is the vertical elevation of a place or object relative to a level…), its area is 0.6 km2 and it measures 500 meters in width (The width of an object represents its dimension perpendicular to its length, i.e….) for 800 meters in length (The length of an object is the distance between its two furthest ends…).


Curtis Island and Cheeseman Island are the two peaks of an underwater volcano (Underwater volcanoes are cracks in the earth’s crust, of course…) that would have emerged during the Pleistocene (The Pleistocene (from ancient Greek pleistos, numerous, and kainos, recent) is the…). The rocks composing the two islands are mainly formed of andesitic deposits of pyroclastic flows. The crater floor of Curtis Island is located just ten meters above sea level. Geological studies have shown that the island has risen 18 meters over the past 200 years, including seven meters between 1929 and 1964. Underwater fumaroles are present on the sides of the island.


Lieutenant John Watts was the first European to visit the island in the late 1780s while en route (The word “route” derives from the Latin (via) rupta, literally “way…) to Australia (Australia (officially the Commonwealth of Australia) is a country of…) with hundreds of deported prisoners on board. He named it following one of his officers.

In 1793, a French scientific expedition led by Admiral Antoine Bruny d’Entrecasteaux passed within reach of the two islands indicated by the British. The admiral had just spotted an island which he had baptized Raoul in honor of his quartermaster and having discovered a fourth islet fifty two nautical miles from Curtis, he decided that the islands formed an archipelago which was baptized the Kermadecs. , in honor of his second.

In 1887, New Zealand annexed the Kermadecs. Too rocky and arid to be habitable, the island served as a depot for food and equipment for possible shipwrecked people.

During the First World War, the German Félix Von Luckner, commander of the ship (A ship is a boat intended for maritime navigation, that is to say …) armed merchant Seeadler, stopped on the island to resupply from stock left by the New Zealand Navy for shipwrecked crews en route to America (America is a separate continent to the west of Asia and…) from the South (South is a cardinal point, opposite to North.) in order to escape these New Zealand pursuers.

#Curtis #Island #Zealand #Definition #Explanations



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