2023-09-12 22:36:08
Butternut squash Classical classification Kingdom Plantae Division (Division is a law of composition which associates the product of the first with two numbers…) Magnoliophyta Class Magnoliopsida Order Violales Family Cucurbitaceae Subfamily Cucurbitoideae Tribe Cucurbiteae Genus Cucurbita Binomial name (In taxonomy ( botany, zoology, etc.), the binominal name, or binomial, comes from the…) Cucurbita moschata
Duchesne, 1786 Phylogenetic classification (Phylogenetic classification is a system of classification of beings…) Order Cucurbitales Family Cucurbitaceae
Butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, widely cultivated as a vegetable plant for its fruit (In botany , the fruit is the plant organ protecting the seed….) edible when ripe. The term also refers to this fruit consumed as a vegetable which has come back into fashion in recent years, like pumpkins and squash in general. It is one of the five most commonly grown species of squash.
Common name: butternut squash, nutmeg squash, giraumon (Antilles), sucrine.
It is an annual herbaceous plant (A herbaceous plant has at least one of these characteristics: flower, leaf, branch or…) with long, creeping stems, which cling by tendrils to everything (All included as a whole of what exists is often interpreted as the world or…) support. The entire plant is covered with soft, non-thorny hairs.
The leaves are large, entire, with palmate venation, forming five lobes that are not very marked but have clear angles. They are green, marbled with white (White is the color of a body heated to around 5,000°). C (see…) and velvety.
Flowers with separate sexes (monoecious plant) have colors varying from yellow to orange.
The fruits are generally elongated, with a swollen club or bottle-shaped end, sometimes spherical, more flattened or ribbed. Their color is also very variable: green (Green is a complementary color corresponding to light which has a wavelength…), dark, orange, cream… When ripe, they are covered with a characteristic glaucous dust. A specific character is the shape of the peduncle (In botany, we call peduncle the stem, sometimes called tail, which bears the flowers, then,…), which has five well-marked ribs and widens, spreading out at the point (Graphic) insertion on the fruit. The flesh is thick and rather dark in color, varying from red to orange.
The flattened oval seeds are grey-brown, rough with strongly marked and wavy margins.
Main varieties
Butternut squash from Provence Long squash from Nice Doubeurre or Butternut Butternut Waltham Butternut Ponca Full squash from Naples (or portmanteau squash) Sucrine du Berry Albenga trunk squash Futsu Black Long Island Cheese Tennessee sweet potato Yokohama
All these varieties hybridize very easily with each other.
Origin and distribution
This species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”…) is native to the north (North is a cardinal point, opposite the south.) of America (America is a continent separated, to the west, from Asia and…) from the South (The south is a cardinal point, opposite the north.), from Central America (Central America is the part of the American continent located between the…) and the South of North America (Peru, Mexico, southern United States in particular). It is widely cultivated in all countries (Country comes from the Latin pagus which designated a territorial and tribal subdivision of extent…) warm and temperate.
It was only introduced to Europe following the voyages of Christopher Columbus to America, like all squash (Cucurbita), often confused between them and even with the gourds (Lagenaria) already known in Europe since Antiquity. It is to Charles Naudin that we owe the distinction between the different species, which he made around 1860.
Its introduction in France was quite late.
It is a species that requires more heat (In common language, the words heat and temperature often have an equivalent meaning:…) than the other species of the Cucurbita genus. It is cultivated more in the South of Europe and in tropical countries on the plains (A plain is a particular form of relief, it is a geographical space…).
#Butternut #Squash #Definition #Explanations