2023-10-06 04:00:11
There is numerous research examining the benefits of sport on cardiovascular risks. We sometimes read that it is necessary to practice a daily sporting activity, even at a “low” level. But other researchers praise the intensity of physical practices, even if less regular. A recent study compared the benefits of intense physical activity carried out on weekends compared to this same activity (The physical activity includes both physical exercise in daily life, at home, etc.) activity term can designate a profession.) spread over several days during the week.
Image d’illustration Pixabay
This study, published in JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association), reveals that having physical activity lasting 2.5 hours concentrated over a weekend has comparable effectiveness in terms of cardiovascular disease risks, to this same activity spread over all days of the week.
To reach this conclusion, the research focused on 89,573 people aged 62 on average (including 56% women). The physical activity data were measured over an entire week on each of these people, using the measurements of a accelerometer (An accelerometer is a sensor which, attached to a mobile, makes it possible to measure the acceleration of…). Three distinct groups were compared: people carrying out an activity greater than or equal to 150 minutes (Primary form of a document: Law: one minute is the original of an act. …) of which at least half is carried out over 1 to 2 days (42.2% of people); people carrying out an activity of the same duration but spread over several days during the week (24%); and finally people carrying out physical activity lasting less than 150 minutes per week (33.7%).
The analysis of the data thus collected reveals, unsurprisingly, that the first two groups (the most active) present less risk of stroke (stroke), heart failure (Heart failure (CI) or heart failure corresponds to to a state…) or atrial fibrillation (Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm disorder. It…) than the “inactive” group. More surprisingly, it also reveals that the benefits are similar between the first two groups.
More precisely, if we compare the two active groups (the first being the group concentrating its activity on the weekend and the second being the group spreading its activity throughout the week), respectively, the risk reductions were as follows:
– risk of heart attack reduced by 27% for the first group and 35% for the second,
– risk of heart failure reduced by 38% and 36% respectively,
– risk of irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) reduced by 22% and 19% respectively,
– risk of stroke reduced by 21% and 17% respectively.
Having a regular activity of at least 150 minutes spread moderately over a week would therefore be just as effective as concentrating this time in intense activity in one single day or over a weekend. Which is good news both for people who do not have the courage to intensify their sports practice in a concentrated manner, and for those who have no time to devote to sport during the week! The result of this study recalls a recent analysis that we recently shared with you in this article, concerning the number of steps that should be taken by day (The day or the day is the interval which separates sunrise from sunset; it is the…) to have an impact on our life expectancy (Life expectancy is a statistical data. It is supposed to allow you to know the duration…).
#Finally #sport #day #intensely #weekend